Woman with long hair in the field
May 7th 2024

6 bad habits that damage hair: Avoid them!

Did you know that many of your routines probably affect the health of your hair? On many occasions we can notice that our hair has lost quality and it is very common that it is due to one of these 6 bad habits that damage the hair. Would you know how to detect what is wrong with your hair care routine?

En Hospital Capilar We are experts in hair medicine in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, and below we will show you what we should try to avoid to reduce damage to our hair. Take note!

Habits to avoid to avoid damaging your hair

Following a good hair care routine at home is essential for your hair to look healthy. For this, it is advisable to take into account a series of aspects to avoid, since we could be damaging the hair, especially with regard to its structure. A lack of hydration, increased porosity, hair loss or frizz can be some of the consequences of not avoiding these 6 bad habits that damage hair.

Abuse of tight hairstyles

Ponytails and high, strappy bows are hairstyles that most of us tend to resort to very frequently. However, we must not forget that excessive tension can cause what is known as traction alopecia.

When we habitually wear excessively tight and strong hairstyles, the hair suffers. The direct consequence is a progressive weakening of the hair until it ends up falling off, giving rise to those small hairless areas on the front.

Not following a good diet

Diet and hair loss they are intimately related. Not following a balanced diet directly affects our health, and consequently also that of the hair. The most obvious symptoms of poor nutrition in the hair are a worsening of the hair structure, loss of shine, increased frizz and weakening, and even a loss of density.

This is why we should try to consume all kinds of food trying to maintain balance between carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals. To do this, there are certain foods that help hair that you can include in your shopping list to promote hair health.


El tobacco it is harmful in all aspects, and it is also harmful to the hair. In fact, it is one of the main external factors that promotes premature hair aging by altering the DNA of the cells of the hair follicles. It can even affect the hair life cycle.

The toxic substances present in tobacco prevent the arrival of nutrients to the hair follicles by worsening blood circulation. A miniaturized hair, lack of shine and loss of hair quality are some of the symptoms derived from smoking tobacco. 

Dermatologist in hair transplant clinic

wash hair with hot water

If we are used to washing our hair with excessively hot water, we are committing one of the 6 bad habits that damage our hair. Exposure to high temperatures causes the opening of the pores of the scalp, so the structure of the hair is altered. In addition, it can cause dryness and dehydration.

Ideally, rinse your hair with warm or cold water, in this way we close the cuticle and get shinier and silkier hair.

Overuse of heat sources

Do hair straighteners and dryers damage hair? In excess and without adequate protection, yes. If we do not use before thermal protectors or we resort to excessive heat sources, the structure of the strands is affected, making the hair drier and without vitality.


El stress is related to hair loss. When we live in times of great stress, the life cycle of the hair is altered and many of the follicles go into their telogen phase. In these cases, hair loss is temporary and reversible, so, in principle, it is not necessary to resort to any hair treatment to recover the hair.

Of course, it is important to pay attention and see if we notice a considerable lack of density or the appearance of areas without hair since, in these cases, we could have developed some type of alopecia that we are confusing with hair loss due to stress. In that case, it is essential to go to a specialized hair clinic to receive a comprehensive medical diagnosis.

Not washing hair when it is dirty

Lately, it is trending not to wash your hair for many days in a row, as it is claimed that this helps hair growth and promotes its quality. That's not true. If the hair is dirty, you have to wash it, since otherwise the scalp is not oxygenated and can end up affecting the hair follicles.

In short, it is advisable to wash the hair when necessary, especially in people with oily hair.

Case of androgenetic alopecia in women

Take care of your hair in Hospital Capilar

On many occasions we can notice that our hair is not in the best condition: intense hair loss or lack of density can be the reason for this. In our hair clinics in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra we have a medical team with which to solve it.
