Woman looking straight ahead with messy hair

14th September 2021

What is female alopecia? All you need to know

More and more cases of female alopecia are known to us. This is not something that is relegated only to men, but it is a problem that also affects women and more and more people dare to find a solution to this problem. 

Most common causes of hair loss in women

Female alopecia manifests itself like that of man, through excessive hair loss (which depending on the type of fall may or may not be reborn) and a general thinning and weakening of the hair. 

There are several factors that can trigger this hair loss such as aging, periods of intense stress, a diet low in vitamins and minerals, bad habits, sudden hormonal changes and even genetic factors. 

Types of female alopecia

Regarding the type of alopecia, not all women suffer the same since according to the causes and the circumstances of each person this can vary in type and severity.

Although it is true that the most common is female androgenetics, there are others that can also affect us.

Female androgenetic alopecia

Female androgenetic alopecia

This type of alopecia begins to manifest itself with a progressive hair loss in the upper part of the head, through its miniaturization and loss of density until it ends up completely disappearing. 

According to our medical equipment, the biggest difference is that in women alopecia begins to appear in the front area of ​​the head, opening towards the central line and extending towards the crown. 

Isolated telogen effluvia

At some times of the year such as change of season in autumn and spring, more hair loss is usually noticeable because the hair is renewed. Although this episode of fall is normal, if it is more pronounced than other years, it may also be that stress or a poor diet is influencing us. 

This loss is not usually irreversible and with the passage of months it remits and our hair returns to normal.

Fibrosing frontal alopecia

Fibrosing frontal alopecia

This is one of the most worrisome types of alopecia since this type of fall is accompanied by scars and is usually permanent. It occurs because of a process of autoimmune inflammation. 

It is usually visible starting from the area of ​​the hairline or the headband, as it is also known. Another visible symptom of this type of alopecia can be the loss of the eyebrows. 

Sharp hair loss postpartum

After childbirth, it is also common for a greater amount of hair to be lostSince during pregnancy the hair remains in a continuous growth phase due to hormones. Once the baby is born, our body returns to normal and the hair that until then had not fallen out begins to do so, causing a greater sensation of hair loss. 

Can the progression of female alopecia be reversed or stopped?

En Hospital Capilar We have experts who are responsible for assessing each case in depth to determine how to treat each type of alopecia for the best results.

It is important to know that there are types of alopecia that, either by their own nature or by the degree of progress in which they are, may not have a solution. 

For that reason it is important to detect unusual hair loss early to put ourselves in the hands of hair experts like our medical team. 

Tratamientos con Hospital Capilar

Treatments to combat female alopecia in Hospital Capilar

Either with our non-surgical treatments, in Hospital Capilar we can help you.

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma

With Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP, we maintain the hair, helping its regeneration through a process that we carry out with the patient's own blood.

Blood is drawn and centrifuged so that the part rich in growth factors can be separated. This part is the one that will later be infiltrated into the patient's scalp by means of microinjections. 

With this we manage to strengthen our hair and avoid its miniaturization. 

HRT or Hair Redensification Treatment

This treatment consists of adapted drug therapy dermoinfiltrations into the scalp. 

This is how we can stop hair loss, we avoid miniaturization and the condition of the hair is improved.

Receiving Hospital Capilar Madrid

Your hair diagnosis at NO COST

Are you thinking of having a hair graft? In Hospital Capilar We will be happy to give you all the information about this type of intervention and to see your case in a personalized way.



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