November 4th 2021
Hair grafting is an intervention that is increasingly in demand due to the natural results it offers. To ensure that they meet the patient's expectations, a series of steps must be followed. The hair analysis before a hair transplant It is one of these steps that are key to determining the success of the hair implant.
Here we tell you everything you need to know about hair trichoscopic analysis, what it is for and the importance it has in the hair implant process.
Hair analysis can be understood as the meticulous study of the hair in order to detect possible pathologies, as well as to determine the conditions of the hair and scalp.
Thanks to this study of the hair, the medical team can define the degree of alopecia of a person, the density of the hair, its miniaturization if it exists, as well as the general state of health of the scalp. In case of suffering from some type of pathology such as seborrheic dermatitis, it would be diagnosed thanks to this capillary analysis by trichoscopy.
Hair analysis before a hair graft is essential, since From the results of the same, the feasibility of the intervention is determined. In Hospital Capilar We have an expert medical team that performs completely personalized hair analysis with which to guarantee the success of the results.
As we have commented, thanks to this study it is possible to determine what is the degree of alopecia of the patient according to the scale Hamilton–Norwood, in the case of men, or the Ludwig scale in women. In addition, if there are cases of follicular miniaturization, it can also be observed. Based on these and more variables, the medical team defines whether or not the person is suitable to have a hair implant. If eligible, how many follicular units can be removed for implantation in areas affected by baldness are determined.
In short, the hair analysis before a hair graft it's of vital importance. If this is not carried out or is carried out incorrectly, the results of the hair graft would not be as expected, it could even compromise the health of the patient.
To carry out a good capillary analysis before a capillary graft, two areas must be thoroughly studied and reviewed.
To carry out a correct capillary analysis before a hair graft, the donor area must be evaluated, that is, the area of the head that is not affected by alopecia from which the pertinent follicular units will be extracted.
During the study the number of follicles, the hairs contained in each follicular unit, the quality of that hair as well as the state of health of the scalp. If there is any type of pathology, it will be treated before carrying out the intervention of a hair implant since, otherwise, it could interfere with the correct performance of the surgery.
In the same way that the donor area is studied in detail and trichoscopically, the area affected by alopecia, also known as the recipient area, is also analyzed.
Mainly, the capillary analysis of the receptor area is carried out in the frontal, interparietal and vertex regions, where special attention is paid to the density and quantity of follicular units. It is here when the degree of alopecia of the patient is defined.
Depending on the patient's expectations, the number of follicular units that can be extracted and the areas to be covered, the medical team decides whether the person can undergo a hair graft or not.
En Hospital Capilar We have the best medical team with which you will obtain the results you have been waiting for. Make your appointment at our clinics, the diagnosis is completely free!
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