One of the most widespread medical hair treatments today is the one that uses plasma due to the rich growth factors it contains. In Hospital Capilar we have the CRT or Capillary Regeneration Treatment, which is usually applied to the hair, although it can also be used on the beard. Did you know what the benefits of CRT on the beard are?
En Hospital Capilar, a network of clinics based in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you about the advantages of applying CRT to the beard.
El Capillary Regeneration Treatment It is a medical treatment that promotes hair regeneration and strengthens hair follicles. This is achieved thanks to the subdermal application of the rich growth factors that contain the patient's blood platelets.
CRT sessions last approximately 20 minutes and are most often performed on the scalp, although we can also take advantage of the benefits of CRT on the beard. The process consists of several steps.
The plasma that is applied to the patient's beard is obtained from his own blood. Therefore, the first thing that takes place in a CRT session is the drawing of blood from the patient.
Once the blood is extracted, it is subjected to a centrifugation process. Thus platelet cells are separated from the rest of the blood components. It is this plasma where the rich growth factors are found from which the benefits of CRT in the beard are obtained.
Once the plasma is obtained, it is loaded into a closed circuit and applied to the beard through microinjections.
There are several benefits of CRT in the beard and, for this reason, more and more people are opting for this medical hair treatment, especially those who have previously undergone a beard graft.
Just as it happens on the scalp, thanks to CRT in the beard, the hair is strengthened. Our doctors indicate that in those areas where plasma is applied, it is reabsorbed, strengthening the follicle thanks to the contribution of nutrients.
The rich growth factors contained in the plasma favor the thickening of the hair shaft. Thus, the hair that grows in the beard is of higher quality and is visibly healthier.
Thanks to the increased thickness, a greater density in the beard. Of course, the only way to obtain hair in those unpopulated areas where hair does not grow is through the beard implant. In fact, it is very flattering to apply the CRT in patients who have undergone a beard transplant, since it promotes regeneration and healing.
En Hospital Capilar We perform the beard implant with the FUE technique. Thanks to this method, natural results are achieved without leaving visible scars. Interested in a beard transplant? Request your free diagnosis and get the beard you want.
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