Is caffeine beneficial for hair?

Caffeine for hair: Is it true that it stops hair loss?

One of the home remedies that we can find if we are looking for natural solutions to hair loss is caffeine for hair. Much is said about the properties that coffee has on the hair when applied topically, mainly because of the caffeine. But, To what extent is it beneficial to use coffee on the hair? Is it true that caffeine for hair slows hair loss?

In the blog de Hospital Capilar, hair clinic in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you everything you need to know about the use of caffeine in hair. Is it recommended or not?

How does caffeine work on hair?

Currently there are shampoos with caffeine formulated mainly to treat hair loss. But are they really beneficial?

The use of caffeine for hair promotes blood circulation which facilitates the arrival of nutrients to the hair follicles. This strengthens the hair and also makes it visibly healthier.

Caffeine slows hair loss: Truth or myth?

When it comes to hair loss, the use of caffeinated hair shampoos can superficially help reduce hair loss. But in no case does caffeine serve as a treatment for hair loss.

Our medical equipment indicates that we can use caffeine for hair as a complement to take care of our hair but when it comes to stopping hair loss we will not notice big changes. Yes, it is true that it strengthens the hair and improves its texture, but if we notice unusual hair loss, we will have to resort to another type of treatment. treatments with proven medical efficacy

blonde haired woman in black top surrounded by tall plants

How to deal with intense hair loss

Every day it is normal for us to lose an average of 100 hairs, and we should not worry as this is due to the hair life cycle. The hair that falls out in these cases grows back, since the hair follicle remains intact.

However, in cases where hair loss is accompanied by areas without hair as well as loss of density, it is important to take a series of measures to avoid further impact.

Use of specific hair products

Use hair loss products They help the proper functioning of the scalp. Therefore, it is the perfect complement to other types of solutions to reduce hair loss.

Go to a specialized hair clinic

Faced with acute hair loss, the ideal is to go to a specialized hair clinic since in this way we can obtain a medical diagnosis and thus be able to choose the best treatment in each case.  

En Hospital Capilar We have an experienced medical team with whom you can solve all your doubts and put an end to your hair problems.

Hair maintenance treatments

Resorting to hair treatments with proven medical efficacy can be very useful to combat hair problems such as alopecia. Of course, it is essential that it be a specialist doctor who recommends it based on a previous diagnosis.

En Hospital Capilar We have maintenance treatments with which to keep the hair in the best conditions.

Hair Redensification Treatment

El Hair Redensification Treatment, or HRT, is the perfect ally to reduce hair loss caused by a androgenic alopecia. Thanks to dermoinfiltrations on the scalp, Dihydrotestosterone is blocked, a hormone that causes the destruction of hair follicles, preventing the advancement of alopecia.

Capillary Regeneration Treatment

Another of the hair treatments to stop hair loss and keep it visibly healthy is the Capillary Regeneration Treatment. Through an extraction of the patient's own blood, which goes through a centrifugation process to obtain the rich growth factors, it is injected into the scalp, promoting its regeneration.

Diagnostic room with trichoscopic photography of scalp with hair loss

Take care of your hair in Hospital Capilar

It is really important to detect the origin of acute hair loss in order to act before the effects are irreversible. On Hospital Capilar We have the best medical team to keep hair in the best condition. Request your first diagnosis completely free!



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