Woman in winter in snowy landscape

December 21th 2021

Hair loss in winter: why does it happen and how to treat it?

During the colder months of the year, many people notice that their hair falls out more than usual. Hair loss in winter is a reality and in Hospital Capilar We will tell you what the causes are and how to combat it.

Why does hair loss occur in winter?

Every day, both women and men experience a hair loss that ranges between 50 and 100 hairs daily. This according to our doctors It is considered normal and falls within the natural life cycle of hair. However, there is a phenomenon known as seasonal fall that can cause that loss to be more intense and, consequently, all our alarms are activated.

There are several causes that can cause hair loss in winter. Therefore, it is important to consult a medical professional who is an expert in the hair sector if the loss is excessive or persists over time.

Temperature changes

In winter we are exposed to sudden changes in temperature and humidity: cold and wind outdoors and heat indoors. These Changes in temperature can damage the hair, weakening it and favoring its fall..


It has been seen that stress levels increase after the summer season: post-vacation syndrome, return to work ... In these cases there is a stress hair loss which is usually more frequent during the winter and fall months.

Hair renewal cycle

Another reason why we can notice a more accentuated hair loss in winter is the life cycle of the hair itself. As with the cells in the rest of our body, hair is constantly renewing itself. During this process there are three different stages:

Anagen phase

The duration of this phase is usually three years. In her the hair is in full growth phase.

Catagen phase

It is also known as the transition phase. It usually lasts between 3 and 6 weeks and, during this period, hair growth stops and begins to separate from the papilla.

Telogen phase

The telogen phase, or resting phase, lasts between 2 and 3 months. This is when hair starts to fall out. However, the root remains in the follicle so only the hair is shed, which will later grow back.

When it coincides that many hair follicles are in this stage, we notice that the hair loss is greater. 

woman leaning on tree

What to do with hair loss in winter?

Faced with a common winter hair loss, without signs of any other hair pathology or excessive loss, we should not be alarmed since the hair will grow back normally. However, it is true that we can follow a series of treatments to keep hair in the best condition and stop hair loss.

Capillary Regeneration Treatment or CRT

En Hospital Capilar we are experts in hair medicine and we offer our patients the most effective hair treatments. The CRT, or Capillary Regeneration Treatment, It is one of them.

This treatment begins with a small extraction of blood from the patient, which is subsequently subjected to a centrifugation process, thus extracting the rich growth factors. These are injected directly into the scalp using virtually painless microinjections.

Use effective anti-hair loss products

Another remedy that can help with hair loss in winter is the use of effective anti-hair loss products. In the shop of Hospital Capilar We have the most effective hair products for you to take care of your hair correctly.

Finally, the most important thing is, whenever we suspect a hair pathology, go to a doctor who is an expert in hair medicine.


Hospital Capilar Madrid

Take care of your hair in Hospital Capilar

In our clinics in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra we have a highly experienced medical team in hair medicine. If you notice an alarming hair loss, request your first free diagnosis. 



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