February 10th 2022
Have you heard that people with gray hair do not lose their hair? It is a very popular belief that has been circulating for a long time and continues to this day. But, is it true that gray hair does not fall out or is it another hair fake news?
In the blog de Hospital Capilar, clinic specialized in medicine and hair surgeries, we give you all the information about gray hair and hair loss.
Gray hair is hair that, for various reasons, loses its melanin. The direct consequence of this is the lack of pigment in the hair. This loss of color occurs progressively and can occur in a single area of hair or, as usual, around the entire head.
The appearance of gray hair can occur for various reasons, but it is generally due to the passage of time itself, which leads to a progressive loss of pigment. It is due to this that, over the years, the hair changes color until the first gray hairs appear.
Our doctors They establish that the genetic factor is also related to gray hair, especially in cases of poliosis. It is a type of gray hair that only affects a certain area of the head, causing a focused white spot. It can also be due to genetics in cases where there is premature graying.
On many occasions it has been said that those people with gray hair, especially when they appear earlier than usual, do not lose their hair. But what is certain that gray hair does not fall out?
There is no relationship between gray hair and hair loss, so it is completely false to say that gray hair does not fall out. Hair loss is linked to the very life cycle of the hair follicles, which can be altered by a capillary pathology, such as a type of alopecia or because the hair simply falls out when it reaches its telogen phase. However, gray hair is nothing more than the depigmentation of the hair, process that does not interfere in any case in hair renewal. In short, the fact that gray hair does not fall out is another hair fake news.
The hair implant is the most demanded option to put an end to baldness mainly because of the results it offers. To perform it, a prior medical diagnosis is required to determine the viability of the intervention, as well as the follicular units to be implanted. But, would a person with gray hair be suitable for a hair implant?
The answer is yes. However, it is essential dye gray hair before hair transplant, approximately two days before surgery. Otherwise, the intervention is carried out normally in each of its phases.
The first thing that is carried out in a hair transplant is the shaving of the head. In the cases in which the technique DHI, normally only the donor area necessary to extract the follicular units is shaved.
The next step is the application of anesthesia. This is usually the most uncomfortable phase and, therefore, in Hospital Capilar we offer an exclusive pre-anesthesia service with which we managed to reduce the pain of anesthesia itself considerably.
Once the area has been anesthetized, the necessary follicular units are extracted. This is done with a micromotor punch, which extracts them one by one without damaging the area. These are placed in Petri dishes, which ensure better preservation.
The medical team makes the incisions with a sapphire scalpel with which a better healing and better results are achieved. It is in these cavities where the previously extracted follicular units are implanted. This completes the surgery and begins the postoperative of a hair graft.
Thinking of performing a hair graft? During this process it is common for doubts to arise in this regard. In Hospital Capilar We are experts in medicine and hair surgeries, and we will be happy to give you all the information you need.
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