December 22th 2021
After undergoing a hair implant, we often have many doubts about what to do and what not to do. One of the most frequent is that relating to hair washes. The scalp is sensitive and we do not want to damage the graft area using inappropriate products. In this sense, What shampoo for after hair grafting can we use and how should we use it? In the blog de Hospital Capilar we give you all the information.
When leaving a hair graft intervention we must follow a series of cares to avoid possible complications during recovery. It is important to comply with all medical recommendations regarding the postoperative of a hair graft, since in this way the survival of the grafts and the obtaining of the best results is guaranteed.
Knowing which shampoo to use after the hair graft and how to use it correctly is essential, since we must maintain both the grafted area and the donor area. in optimal hygienic conditions without damaging them. Therefore, it is necessary to use specific products for hair care that meet a series of requirements.
It is essential that the shampoo after the hair transplant has a pH of 5.5. Otherwise our doctors indicate that we can irritate the already sensitized scalp and develop pathologies such as folliculitis, Among others.
It is highly recommended that the shampoo be in foam format. Thus, we favor its application always taking into account the recommendations of the medical equipment.
En Hospital Capilar We have the most effective hair care products to care for your hair both before and after a hair implant. Specifically, our foam shampoo It is the perfect ally for washing hair after a hair transplant, as it is formulated by experts exclusively for this.
Once you have purchased the shampoo recommended by the medical team, it is essential to use it correctly according to its instructions to get the most out of it and avoid possible complications.
24 hours after the hair graft, the wash is carried out in one of our clinics located in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra. It is essential that a qualified and experienced person carry out the first cure as the donor and recipient areas are specially sensitized after the intervention.
It is here when all the guidelines are offered to be able to correctly carry out washes at home.
It is from two days after the hair implant when you should start washing at home. To do it correctly we must apply the foam of the shampoo in the palm of the hand and gently deposit it on the graft area, as well as the donor, without rubbing in any case. Let it act and rinse by placing your hand between the flow of water so that it does not fall directly on the scalp. In this way we will eliminate the scabs that are emerging without manipulating them aggressively.
Complying with a correct postoperative period after a hair graft is essential to avoid complications and obtain the best results. In our clinics in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra we advise and accompany you throughout your process, both before and after surgery. Interested in a hair graft? Request your first free diagnosis!
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