29th September 2021
As many of you will know, the seasonal changes cause our hair to be susceptible to further fall. That's when a lot of people wonder how to care for hair in autumn
Autumn is the time of year to which this telogen effluvium is most attributed and from Hospital Capilar we want to tell you a little more about this topic.
If autumn is already a time when our hair falls out more than normal, the presence of stressors such as Covid 19 can further accentuate this fall.
The reason why the autumn season causes an accentuation of hair loss is the increase in the telogen phase, which is characterized by being the phase of hair loss and renewal.
Other factors that influence hair loss in autumn are:
Every time this season approaches, we try to find the best way to keep our hair in good condition to ensure that it suffers as little as possible at this time of year.
Since Hospital Capilar we want to give you some tips.
Summer tends to affect especially the ends of our hair, drying them out, opening them and dulling their shine.
That is why it is recommended to cut those damaged ends so that the hair is in good condition, accompanying it if possible with a hydration treatment that improves nutrition and prevents hair loss.
The nutrients that our body absorbs through food are essential to help the health of our hair.
Vitamin B helps to strengthen our hair, while magnesium and iron help the hair look healthy and shiny.
In addition, there are foods and food supplements such as brewer's yeast that help us keep our hair healthy.
Proper hydration is also essential to keep hair nourished and avoid the appearance of brittle hair.
As soon as the temperatures drop we return to the continuous use of dryers and hair straighteners, something that does not favor our hair. Given this, we must remove most of the humidity with a towel and use the dryer for less time and avoid high temperatures.
One of the main enemies of our hair is stress since it affects us immunologically and favors significant hair loss.
Natural bristle brushes help maintain healthy hair by increasing circulation and preventing breakage.
During a seasonal hair loss, a great loss of density is not noticed, since after the hair that falls out, it grows back.
However, when a more serious alopecia problem appears, we notice how the hair that falls out no longer comes out with the same intensity. This causes a change in the hair that is obvious both due to loss of density and hair quality.
It is at this time when we must put ourselves in the hands of professionals to be able to treat this problem as soon as possible, identifying what type of alopecia it is and what is the best way to treat it.
In addition to offering you a totally free personalized diagnosis, in Hospital Capilar We have non-surgical treatments with which you can help your hair in the change of season, as well as maintain it the rest of the year.
In addition, if your alopecia problem is greater, you will be in the perfect place to perform a hair graft and recover the hair that you want so much.
En Hospital Capilar We offer maintenance treatments to help your hair health. If you are looking for a solution, do not hesitate to contact us!
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