Dr. Raquel Amaro Silva
Collegiate No. 362607457
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela with a Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Trichology and Hair Micrograft. She currently works as a doctor and hair surgeon in Hospital Capilar as head of the headquarters Hospital Capilar Pontevedra.
The capillary graft with the FUE technique is the most demanded method today to have hair again in those areas where it stopped growing naturally. The results it offers are widely satisfactory, but, after the intervention, an exhaustive postoperative follow-up is necessary to guarantee the survival of the grafts. Knowing how to sleep after a hair transplant is essential at this stage, since if we did not know it we could compromise the health of the implants.
In the blog de Hospital Capilar, a clinic specializing in medicine and hair surgeries, we tell you everything you need to know about how to sleep after hair implantation in the different postoperative phases.
Once the surgery is finished, the patient can return to his home normally, although following medical guidelines. Direct contact with the recipient area should be avoided. where the follicular units have been implanted as they could become detached. It is for this reason that it is really important to know how to sleep after a hair transplant, especially the first few days, to avoid possible complications.
The same day at the end of the intervention, as well as the 10 days after the hair transplant, we cannot sleep as we normally do. During this stage it is essential sleep in a semi-recumbent position thus avoiding supporting the receiving area. In other words, the person who has undergone a hair transplant must sleep semi-seated in a 45-degree position to avoid contact and possible impacts in the graft area.
To facilitate this, in Hospital Capilar We provide our patients with a cervical pillow that they must use during the first 10 nights.
After the first two weeks after the capillary implant we can now sleep lying down with our head on the pillow. Of course, it is important that the medical team in charge of the intervention evaluate the area.
En Hospital Capilar We carry out, in addition to day after hair graft cure, the cure corresponding to ten days. It is at this medical appointment that qualified personnel determine the status of both the donor and recipient areas and whether it is possible to sleep without using the cervical pillow.
Achieving results that meet expectations not only depends on the skill of the surgeon and his team, but also on how the patient himself acts during the postoperative period of the hair transplant.
Following each and every one of the recommendations provided by the medical team is essential to ensure a correct evolution. We must not forget that the hair graft with the FUE technique has a total duration of one year until we obtain the final results, 18 months in cases in which the crown is intervened. During this time we must follow a series of hair care and take certain precautions.
Sunbathing after a hair transplant is totally contraindicated. During the first months after surgery, sun exposure should be completely avoided, as it can interfere with the healing process.
For this we can protect ourselves with a cap or hat after 10 days, yes, always placing it superficially without touching the receiving area where the follicular units have been implanted.
Nor will we be able to lower our heads during the first weeks, mainly due to the blood pressure that derives from it, directly damaging the grafts. This is why movements that involve moving the head forward should be avoided. In the case of wanting to look at the mobile or the Tablet, for example, the device should be placed at eye level to avoid bending the head after the hair transplant.
Both before and after the capillary implant, the consumption of certain substances should be avoided. In this sense, it cannot drinking alcohol after hair transplant until the medications are stopped. In addition, neither can you drink coffee or tea until after the first two days of the intervention.
The consumption of cigarettes, as well as that of narcotic substances, is also totally prohibited during the first week after the transplant.
Excessive sweating can cause scalp infections such as folliculitis. This is why we must refrain from doing sports or physical exercise during the first month after the hair transplant. However, if it is light exercise that does not involve sweating, it can be resumed after the first two weeks.
Do you want to know everything about the postoperative period of a hair transplant with the FUE technique? Here we give you all the information.
En Hospital Capilar We advise you throughout the process of your hair transplant, solving all your doubts. In addition, the first capillary diagnosis is free. Request information and put yourself in the best hands!
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