Barber shaving a man with a blade
June 20th, 2023

How to avoid irritation when shaving?

It is very common to feel discomfort after shaving the beard, such as itching or stinging, but it is possible to avoid it or, at least, reduce the symptoms. Especially in cases where shaving is used almost daily, it is essential to know how to avoid irritation when shaving.

In the blog de Hospital Capilar We tell you everything you need to know to know how to avoid irritation when shaving. Take note of the advice that we give you below and take care of your skin also while shaving.   

What are the symptoms of skin irritation after shaving?

Post-shave irritation is one of the most common consequences of this practice. If you notice any of the following symptoms, your skin is suffering every time you proceed to shave your beard.

Redness of the skin

A few minutes later after finishing shaving, it is very common for reddening of the skin to occur. This happens because when repeatedly passing the blade microlesions occur on the skin.

itching and stinging

The reddening of the skin and subsequent inflammation present with itching and stinging. Depending on the degree of irritation, these discomforts are more acute or, on the contrary, they are not something significant.


When the irritation is very advanced and the condition is more serious, it can even develop a folliculitis. It is an inflammation of the hair follicles, in this case of the beard, which manifests itself with small pimples on the skin. When this happens, it is essential to know how to avoid irritation when shaving, otherwise, and in more advanced cases, the hair could come off, generating bald spots in the beard.

Causes of irritation after shaving

In the same way that it is important to know how to avoid irritation when shaving, it is key to know what causes skin damage after shaving. Some bad practices are the origin of this type of discomfort, avoiding them is key to reducing the risk of irritation after shaving.

Excessive pressure on the skin

When we over-press the blade or machine against the skin, in the end what is achieved is to damage it and cause irritation. It is highly recommended run the blade gently over hairs with shaving foam or gel and, above all, do not shave the beard in a hurry.

resort to dry shaving

A widespread malpractice is dry shaving, without moisturizing the skin or applying cream or foam beforehand. Dry shaving creates more pulling, scratching, and consequently more irritation.

Use worn blades

Another factor that generates skin irritation is the fact of shaving the beard with worn and/or dirty blades. When the blades are not sharp, there is more drag on the skin, consequently generating more skin irritation. 

Products to take care of the beard correctly

How to avoid irritation when shaving in 5 steps

Knowing how to avoid irritation when shaving is key to achieving the best result and avoiding discomfort such as itching or burning. Also, if we follow a correct beard care routine, with specific beard products, we will be able to show off a quality beard.  

Use specialized razors for sensitive skin

There are specific shaving machines for sensitive skin that are usually designed to minimize the risk of skin irritation. If we notice that the discomfort persists, it is important to stop using the conventional blade and try this type of razor.

Apply alcohol-free shaving foam or gel

As we have previously commented, it is not advisable to shave dry hair. It is preferable to moisten the skin and additionally apply shaving foam or cream. This is one of the steps that may seem very simple but it is essential if we want to know how to avoid irritation when shaving.

Avoid passing the blade repeatedly

Another very common practice among men is to repeatedly pass the blade through the same area. When there is no more foam, the area is not as lubricated and the blade becomes more aggressive with the skin. This is why you have to be careful and try not to affect too much in one area of ​​the beard.

Shave following the direction of the hair

Another key to knowing how to avoid irritation when shaving is to do it following the direction of hair growth, specifically from the ears to the lips, and from the chin to the neck. It is not advisable to shave against the grain since, although it seems that it is more effective, there is a much greater risk of cuts.

Moisturizes the skin at the end of the shave

Finally, cleansing the face well and, later, hydrating it is essential. It is recommended to proceed with the beard hydration with specific products for your care, as well as according to our skin type.

Bald spots in the beard: a symptom of a bad shave?

The appearance of bald spots in the beard or the lack of hair growth is a very widespread problem among men. Unless the cause of it is a picture of severe folliculitis, post-shave irritation is not related to the appearance of bald beard. However, today it is possible to solve it and achieve a dense and full beard thanks to the beard graft.

With the beard graft with the FUE technique, the necessary follicular units are extracted from the lower area of ​​the patient's neck and implanted in the beard according to the chosen design. Thus, the results it offers are natural since it is the patient's own hair that completes the beard. The results are definitively given one year after the intervention, although the first changes can already be seen after 6 months.

CRT in the beard

Get the beard you want in Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar We have an expert medical team with which to achieve the best aesthetic results from beard grafting. Request your medical diagnosis at no cost and put yourself in the hands of professionals! 
