Currently there are many men and women who decide to resort to eyebrow transplantation to recover the density of the area. This is mainly because, unlike other cosmetic treatments, the results are definitive and natural, since it is the patient's own hair that is implanted. One of the most common questions after the intervention is how to trim the eyebrows after an eyebrow graft, and for this reason, we will give you the answer below.
In the blog de Hospital Capilar, hair clinic in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, you can find all the information about eyebrow, hair or beard implants. You can also contact us and we will resolve any issues that may arise.
The intervention of an eyebrow implant consists of extracting the follicular units, which contain the hair, necessary from the lower area of the patient's neck and implanting them in the areas without hair following the previously marked design. In short, what is being done is to put hair back where it stopped growing. Therefore, yes it is necessary to trim the eyebrows after an eyebrow transplant since the implanted follicles have the rhythm of hair growth and, regularly, we will have to cut it.
It is essential to know how to trim the eyebrows after an eyebrow graft to be able to carry it out correctly and without causing any damage to the area. not recommended plucking eyebrows as we are usually used to since we could damage the implanted follicles, so it is important to know how to correctly trim the eyebrows after an eyebrow graft.
To get rid of those hairs that have grown more and break the natural shape of the eyebrows, it is enough to trim them regularly. If you don't know where to start to do it correctly, here are the keys to showing off beautiful eyebrows at all times.
If you are not very skilled, you can resort to eyebrow templates. They are adhesive plastics with different designs. These are placed on the eyebrows and those hairs that protrude from the template are the ones that should be trimmed.
Among the steps to know how to trim the eyebrows after an eyebrow graft is brushing. It is one of the key phases that facilitates the subsequent trimming. With a special brush for eyebrows, or with a toothbrush, we must comb the hair up to separate the eyebrow hairs. For a better result, we can comb against the grain and, later, vertically.
In the event that we prefer the use of templates, the hairstyle is done in the same way, leaving the hairs that should be trimmed above the plastic.
To trim the hair of the eyebrows we must resort to specific scissors, which end in a point. Although round-tipped scissors would also work to avoid sharp objects so close to the eyes.
The hair that stands out, which breaks the shape of the eyebrow, is the one that should be trimmed. Definitely, it will be the implanted hair that we will have to cut more frequently since it is the one that will grow faster than native hair.
Once cut, we can comb and fix them as we want. We can also make up the eyebrows after the capillary implant, yes, when two months have elapsed after surgery.
As we mentioned before, the eyebrow graft with FUE technique It is presented as the definitive method to recover lost hair due to excessive hair removal, alopecia or other factors. There are other types of treatments such as microblading with which to also obtain good results, but they are techniques that simulate hair and require continuous revisions. The eyebrow transplant, on the other hand, does not require revisions and the results are permanent.
The design of the eyebrows is agreed between the patient and the surgeon in charge. Once the limits have been decided and set, the patient enters the operating room where local anesthesia is applied. After this, the necessary follicular units are extracted from the lower area of the neck, since it is where the hair most resembles that of the eyebrows, and they are implanted in the eyebrows.
The definitive results of an eyebrow graft are given a year after the intervention, although at 6 months you can already see the growth of new hair.
An expert medical team is essential to obtain the best aesthetic results. In Hospital Capilar You will put yourself in the hands of professionals in the sector who will solve all the doubts you may have. Ask us for information and make your free diagnosis!
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