Sanitary performing the extraction in a hair graft
July 17, 2023

How is a hair graft done?

The hair implant is one of the most requested aesthetic interventions, especially among men. This is because alopecia is a widespread disease that affects a large part of the world's population. In this context, hair transplantation is the only technique by which hair that has not grown back after its loss can be recovered. Queries about how to do a hair graft have increased accordingly and, for this reason, we resolve all doubts about the process. 

From Hospital Capilar, an expert clinic in FUE hair grafting, we tell you how a hair graft is done, what must be taken into account to perform it correctly and what kind of results this method offers. 

How is a hair graft done? 

The capillary graft is a type of outpatient intervention where it is possible to redensify those areas where the hair has been lost. It is the only way that exists at the moment to recover hair. While the rest of the hair solutions that exist help the hair that we already have, the hair graft allows us to have new hair in those areas where it had been lost due to the advance of the androgenetic alopecia

It is a minimally invasive surgery that is performed in a single session of approximately 7 hours. To carry it out, a qualified medical team specialized in hair surgery is required, so it is essential to go to a hair clinic to undergo this intervention. 

The entire process of a hair graft consists of several phases that can be divided into preoperative, intervention and postoperative. Below we will tell you what each one consists of and what you should take into account when performing a hair graft. 

Previous hair diagnosis

Before the hair graft it is important to carry out a previous diagnosis. In this way, the progress and the type of alopecia of each patient, as well as the state of the donor zone thereof.

It is very important to carry out this diagnosis, since it helps to determine the number of follicular units that can be extracted from the donor area without damaging it. This previous diagnosis also lets us know if it is suitable or not for hair grafting, since there are cases where the alopecia is so advanced that a suitable result cannot be achieved through surgery.

This capillary analysis It is carried out by doctors who are experts in medicine and capillary surgeries and it is the first step that one must take. 

Preoperative of a hair graft

Once the diagnosis is given, the day of surgery is dated. Previously, an analysis must be carried out, where the patient's condition is looked at as well as if there is any latent problem that must be treated prior to surgery. You also have to follow certain rules. This preoperative helps at the time of the intervention, preventing possible complications in this regard. It is important that we follow these preparatory rules since non-compliance may mean that on the day of the intervention you will not be able to finally perform the surgery.

Medication consumption

The medical team reviews the patient's clinical history and guides which medication the patient can take before the intervention and which, on the contrary, must be discontinued. Some anti-inflammatories, anticoagulants and certain antidepressants can interfere during the intervention, so doctors will recommend their suspension. 

On the other hand, it is essential to suspend the Minoxidil XNUMX days before surgery, otherwise bleeding will increase during the operation. However the Finasteride it can continue to be taken even on the day of hair surgery. 

Use of drag shampoo

The scalp must be in optimal condition on the day of surgery. For this reason it is recommended to use the drag shampoo during the weeks prior to surgery, in this way we will eliminate excess sebum or dandruff, keeping the scalp in perfect condition. 

Do not smoke or consume alcohol

One week before it is essential to stop smoking or, failing that, considerably reduce cigarette consumption as they interfere with the healing process. The same happens with alcohol, caffeinated drinks, theine and taurine or narcotics. Otherwise, certain complications could occur during hair surgery. 

Dyeing the hair before hair grafting

If you have blond or gray hair, it is essential to dye it two days before the intervention. Gray hair at the microscopic level is transparent, which makes the extraction process difficult in a hair graft. For this it is recommended to use a pharmacy dye.  

Doctor Amaro designing the crown for a hair graft

shave and design

Once the preoperative period is over, the patient goes to the clinic to undergo the hair graft. The hair surgeon performs the front line design, in addition to delimiting the donor area. Before entering the operating room, the patient's hair is shaved. In the case of being with the FUE technique normal, all the hair will be shaved so that as much as possible can be extracted without damaging the donor area; Keeping the hair to a minimum allows us to cover more area in a single intervention.

But, besides this, there is also the graft without shaving. Through this process, only a small window in the donor area, called the "flap", is shaved from where the follicular units will be extracted. Using a device called an implanter, the incisions are made while the follicular units are implanted. In this way, it is possible to carry out the intervention respecting the long native hair that we already have, introducing the follicular units in those areas where there is a lack of density.

Local anesthesia

The hair graft is performed by applying Anesthesia local to make the process painless. In this way, the patient remains awake and conscious during the entire intervention. 

Follicular unit extraction 

After this shave and applying anesthesia, we proceed to the extraction. Using a device called a micromotor, the necessary channels are made from where the necessary follicular units are removed. The scars that remain in this area are not visible to the naked eye, being practically imperceptible.

This extraction is carried out from the donor area, which is not affected by androgenetic alopecia. These follicular units will later be implanted in areas where density has been lost due to the progression of baldness.

This entire process is completely handmade, and here comes into play the importance of an expert hand that manages to extract the follicular units in such a way that the greatest number possible is removed without damaging the area, as well as doing so in the shortest possible time. The rapidity in the extraction is essential, since it ensures a greater survival of the hair and achieves a greater quantity in the same period of time.


In this part, the incisions are made where the extracted follicular units will be implanted.

In the case of using what is known as technique DHI, the follicular units are implanted at the same time that the incision is made. This is achieved thanks to a device called an implanter, which is responsible for achieving that density without having to lose the length of our hair.

On the other hand, the usual FUE technique performs the incisions first and then the implantation. Within this process we have two options: make the incisions with a scalpel or with sapphire blade. In the case of choosing the use of sapphire, it must be known that less bleeding and greater density are achieved, by allowing the incisions to be made closer together.

Implantation of follicular units

Implantation is the last phase of the intervention. At this point, all the extracted follicular units will be placed with forceps in the cavities opened by the surgeon, so that when the patient is finished, they can go home following the postoperative instructions.

Hair graft postoperative

After the hair graft, it is time for the postoperative period to wait for the final results. How long it takes? How do you have to act the first days? These questions are also related to how is a hair graft done, so it is interesting to know what will happen after the intervention.

After the intervention we will have to follow certain postoperative rules that it is important to comply with. Ignoring these rules can lead to complications after the intervention, such as folliculitis or dermatitis. 

Do not rub the grafts

It is essential not to touch or aggressively manipulate the recipient area after the hair graft. To do this, during the first days you should sleep in a semi-upright position using the neck pillow that we provide in our hair clinics. 

Wash your head properly 

The day after the surgery a cure is carried out and after ten days the scabbing is carried out since the known scabs. It is our health team who will explain how to carry out the daily washings, since it is important to keep the area clean and hydrated, free of any infection. 

To carry out the washings, the foam shampoo in the donor area as usual, while in the recipient area you do not have to rub, just deposit the foam on the grafts. To rinse, the hand will be placed between the head and the flow of water to prevent the jet from falling directly. 

We will have to apply the thermal spray approximately every two hours on the grafts and in the donor area. 

avoid sport

During the first month it is essential to stop practicing sports, since sweat can harm the health of the grafts. After fifteen days you can resume light exercise that does not involve excessive sweating. 

Avoid sun exposure

During the first months we must protect ourselves from the sun to avoid burns, especially in the receiving area. 

Results of a hair graft

We know how to do a hair graft, but when will we see the results? The hair transplant has its final results after a year, extending to 18 months in the case of the crown. Although it may seem like a long time, the truth is that the first results are much earlier. Before six months we will see how the hair will begin to grow, although we must always keep in mind that there will still be many months ahead before we see the full density achieved.

Results of a hair graft

Solve your doubts in Hospital Capilar

Are you thinking of having a hair graft and don't know where to go? En Hospital Capilar we are specialists in hair, and we will be happy to see your case. Do you want to meet us? Do not hesitate to contact us, tell us about your case and tell us what your concerns are regarding hair. We will gladly assist you!
