eyes of two women

What are the differences between microblading and brow grafting?

In this article we want to tell you what the main differences between microblading and eyebrow grafting.

The eyebrow is a fundamental part of the face. It frames the look, providing personality and enhancing our eyes. 

In addition, it fulfills more functions apart from aesthetics, since it is responsible for stopping sweat so that it does not enter our eyes, as well as serving as protection against light and other external agents. 

But what should we know about eyebrow grafting and microblading? In this article we give you all the information.

Factors that cause eyebrow loss

The first thing you should know are all those reasons that can end up causing eyebrow hair loss.

Here are the most common ones:

The passage of time takes a toll on the density of the eyebrow

The passage of time usually makes a dent in the state of our eyebrows, since with age a loss of density is usually noticed in them.

However, this is not the only factor that influences us to suffer from hair loss on our eyebrows.

Seasonal fall

In the changes of season, just as it is common for the hair on the head to fall more and we notice that each time we shower, more hair remains in the sink, the same thing happens with the eyebrows. Seasonal changes can cause more brow hairs to shed, making the brow look less dense than normal.

Going over with waxing

When we pluck our eyebrows, it is common for us to get a bit out of hand and pull out some hair that we did not want to remove at first and then we must fix it by plucking a little more so that the area is even and our eyebrow does not seem irregular.

When this happens repeatedly, it can happen that certain hairs do not grow back, which leaves us with a depopulated or bald eyebrow.

Some types of alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia, which is the most common, can affect our eyebrows, however the two types of alopecia that can cause us to lose density the most are fibrosing alopecia and areata.

Scars hurt our eyebrows

The areas in which we have had a wound and it has healed are areas in which the hair no longer grows back, so if we have had a wound on the eyebrow it is likely that that area will be permanently depopulated. 

Differences between microblading and eyebrow grafting

What is microblading?

Microblading consists of a semi-permanent tattoo technique in which the eyebrow is drawn hair by hair, so that the impression that your real eyebrow is still there. This serves both to redensify a depopulated brow and to create an almost non-existent brow from scratch.

What is eyebrow transplantation?

The eyebrow micrograft consists of the extraction of follicular units from a small part of the neck, to later separate them by individual hairs and implant them in the eyebrow, giving density and shape in a definitive way.

This is carried out by means of a simple, minimally invasive and practically painless surgery.

Why do people get eyebrow transplants?

When we seek to make an aesthetic touch-up, whatever it is, we always try to find a way to make it as realistic as possible, to make it look like you haven't done anything to yourself.

By extracting the follicular units from the occipitotemporal area, we make sure that we will regain our gaze, which provides us with definitive density in our eyebrows.

What is the eyebrow graft?

Main differences between microblading and eyebrow grafting

There are clear reasons why these two techniques are so different and we will tell you about them below.

Tattoo vs hair

In an area where there was originally hair, it is preferable to look for solutions that give us that hair again. Although there are currently microblading professionals who leave your eyebrows very natural, it will never be the same as having real and natural hair.

The protection that hair offers

Eyebrow hair fulfills a protective function that microblading cannot provide. This hair stops sweat, water, dust ... In addition to acting as a shield against clarity.

Improves expression naturally

As we have already mentioned, the eyebrows frame the look and give strength to our expression. The more natural this is, the more in line it will go with our face and features.

Big difference in duration of results

Microblading is still a semi-permanent tattoo, so the results have a certain duration until it is necessary to retouch it.

With the eyebrow graft we make sure that the hair is the definitive one, without worrying about it falling out again.

It is important to know the differences between microblading and eyebrow grafting, but in the end it is a very personal decision and it is up to us to choose one solution or another. Both solutions are valid and achieve the same objective: highlighting the look.

En Hospital Capilar We will be happy to assist you in a personalized way and advise you to help you make the best decision.

Take your gaze back on Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar We help you find a definitive solution so that your eyebrows have the results you were waiting for. Do not hesitate to request your hair diagnosis at no cost.

Eyebrow implant

En Hospital Capilar we are specialists in micrograft

If you want to have an eyebrow graft, with Hospital Capilar You will have the security of knowing that we will make the eyebrow design that best suits your face, harmonizing it and respecting your features.

In addition, you will see that it is a simple intervention that will not require you to break your routine a lot once you leave the operating room. With a few simple care in a short time you will be ready to lead a normal life.

If you have questions about this type of graft or need information about hair and / or beard grafting, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can answer all your questions.

In addition we also have other hair solutions such as treatments such as HRT or Carboxytherapy.



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