Washing of the recipient area in the 10-day cure in a hair transplant
February 6th 2025

10-day cure in a capillary graft: what does it consist of?

After undergoing a hair implant, it is essential to carry out a medical follow-up, as well as a series of cures and postoperative care to guarantee the correct evolution of the implant. One of them is known as the 10-day cure in a hair graft in which the patient must go to the clinic again to wash and disinfect the area, among others.

From Hospital Capilar We tell you everything you need to know about the 10-day cure for a hair transplant: what it consists of, what is done and why it is so important after a hair transplant.

What is the 10-day cure after a hair graft?

In the same way that the 24 hour cure, it is necessary for the patient to return to the clinic to perform the 10-day cure. This only deals with the receiving area, Since the donor zone Under normal conditions it will already have healed and healed. This session with the health team usually lasts approximately 20 minutes and, after finishing, the patient can return home with complete normality, always following the medical recommendations.

Washing of the receiving area

The first thing that is carried out in the 10-day cure in a hair graft is washing the recipient area. To do this, the team places its hand between the flow of water and the patient's head to avoid a direct impact on the grafts. Subsequently, they gently deposit a special shampoo and rinse again.

Scab removal

The main objective of the 10-day cure in a capillary graft is to eliminate the scabs completely from the recipient site of the patient. When washing at home, a good amount comes off, but they usually still remain, for this reason what is known as peeling is done.

The descaling is nothing more than carrying out several washes with a special shampoo and exerting light pressure while making circular movements with the product. After this, it is clarified by interposing the hand between the water and the patient's head. This is done as many times as necessary, but the scabs are never torn off or handled aggressively as it can seriously compromise the survival of the grafts.

Receiving area drying

Once the healthcare team has removed all or most of the scabs, they gently pat the graft site dry.

Review of the condition of the scalp

Also in the 10-day cure for a capillary graft, the medical team reviews the state of health of the scalp, as well as the evolution of healing in both the donor area and the recipient area.

Platelet Rich Plasma

En Hospital Capilar We carry out a treatment Hair PRP to strengthen the new hair that has been implanted and promote healing in the area. This capillary treatment consists of extracting a small amount of blood from the patient from which plasma enriched with Growth Factors: Stimulating Hair Growth through a centrifugal process. Centrifugation allows the platelet cells to be separated from the rest of the blood components, and this is what is later injected into the scalp.

With this we end the 10-day cure and the patient can return home. The next medical check-up to which you should go is at 6 months, at which time you will be able to appreciate the first hair transplant results.

Why are cures after a hair transplant so important?

The success of a hair transplant surgery does not only depend on the skill of the surgeon and healthcare team. follow a correct postoperative and going to the cures mentioned in the clinic is vital to carry out a correct follow-up, disinfection and treatment of the intervened areas. Otherwise, there could be complications such as infections or interference with the survival of the grafts, making it impossible to obtain a satisfactory result.

En Hospital Capilar We carry out a personalized medical follow-up and advise you at all times to achieve the best results of the hair implant until you receive medical discharge after the year.

When are the results of a hair graft seen?

The process of a hair transplant is somewhat slow and can be long. We will be able to notice the first changes from the sixth month after the intervention, and it will not be until after the first year of surgery when we will be able to appreciate the definitive results of the hair graft. In crown cases it can last up to 18 months.

Hair transplant in spring by Dr. Sánchez de Hospital Capilar

Your hair graft in the best hands

En Hospital Capilar You will find a medical team of professionals with whom you can achieve results that meet your expectations. Request your diagnosis at no cost and take the step to change!



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