Doctor making incisions on a hair graft

Doctor Francisco Pilo gives his opinion on hair grafting: Is it possible to transplant hair from another person?

When we talk about the process of a hair implant, it is very common to ask ourselves about the feasibility of transplanting hair from other people who donate it. But to what extent can this be done safely? Is a hair transplant with someone else's hair possible? One of our medical surgeons from Hospital Capilar in Madrid, the Doctor Francisco Pilo, gives his opinion about hair grafting with this method.

Is a hair graft with someone else's hair viable?

El hair implant with FUE technique It is an intervention increasingly demanded by today's society, mainly because of the natural and permanent results it offers. The truth is that baldness affects a large number of men and women around the world. Faced with this situation, hair transplantation is, without a doubt, the most effective method for recovering hair lost due to alopecia.

However, The hair implant process requires a prior diagnosis to determine if the patient is suitable to undergo the intervention. depending, mainly, on your donor area. When the hair that can be extracted is not enough to cover the area affected by baldness, we often wonder if it would be possible to implant hair donated by another person. Could it be an option?

expert opinion

Dr. Francisco Pilo gives his opinion on hair grafting with another person's hair and affirms that "it is technically possible". So, what is the reason why the hair transplant is not performed with someone else's hair?

“Science and medicine are advancing at breakneck speed and transplants of any organ are a real possibility that human beings live with every day. However, a hair transplant from another person, despite being technically possible, is not medically feasible or advisable at this time. Among other issues, in order to perform the hair transplant with follicular units extracted from another patient, numerous requirements based on immunocompatibility must be met”, comments Dr. Francisco Pilo.

“In addition, to avoid rejection in any type of allogeneic transplant, between individuals of the same species, it is necessary to take immunosuppressants for life. These are really powerful drugs that in some cases affect the patient's quality of life. Therefore, they should be used only in cases of organ transplants in patients with vital problems. In the case of hair transplantation, it is an arduous and complex process to solve an aesthetic problem, in addition to which we also have a high probability of rejection by the body itself, so definitely not worth it”, explains doctor Francisco Pilo from Hospital Capilar Madrid.

In short, Dr. Francisco Pilo gives his opinion on the hair transplant with another person's hair, which, although it may be technically possible, is not considered medically viable.

What to do when my grafted hair does not grow?

Hair transplant between relatives: Is it possible?

As for the hair implant with follicles donated by a relative, something similar happens. Although there may be a greater genetic compatibility, the transplant process is just as complex. What's more, the possibility of rejecting the implanted follicular units is also a real risk even if a direct relative donates them. For this reason, it is also not feasible to practice a hair graft with hair from a relative.

Hair transplant with FUE technique: What is the process like?

In the capillary graft with the FUE technique, therefore, the patient's own follicles are used, obtained from the area that is not affected by alopecia and implanted in the area affected by baldness.

How is the step by step of a hair implant with FUE technique? We tell you!

Shaving the donor area

The first thing that is carried out on the day of the intervention, after agreeing on the design of the frontal line and the delimitations of the donor area, is the shaving of the patient's hair. Thus, the length of the hair should be between 1 or 2 millimeters to facilitate its extraction and implantation.

In cases in which the transplant is performed with DHI, only the donor area that goes unnoticed is shaved with the length of the hair itself. The area where the follicular units are going to be implanted is not shaved and what is known as an implanter is used. It is an instrument with which the incisions are made at the same time as the implantation of the follicular units without damaging the native hair.

Application of local anesthesia

In a hair transplant, the use of general anesthesia is not necessary, it is only applied locally. This is usually the most annoying phase of the capillary implant and, therefore, in Hospital Capilar we have a pre-anesthesia service with which we considerably reduce the pain.

Follicular unit extraction

Once the entire area is anesthetized, the necessary follicular units are extracted. This is done with a punch with micromotor with which they are extracted one by one.

As the follicles are extracted, they are deposited in Petri dishes for better conservation.

Making the incisions

The next thing that is carried out in a capillary implant with the FUE technique is the making of the incisions by the surgeon in charge of the intervention. All this respecting the design agreed with the patient.

Implantation of follicular units

It is in these cavities where the follicular units are grafted. And, after the implantation of the follicles, the intervention is finished.

operating room corridors Hospital Capilar Madrid

Hospital Capilar, leading hair implant clinic

As we have mentioned, the capillary implant requires a prior diagnosis to determine the viability of the intervention. On Hospital Capilar We have an expert medical team that will assess your case in a totally personalized way. Are you interested in a hair graft? Request your first diagnosis at no cost!



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