man with chaplet

Does a hair graft last forever?

When performing this type of intervention, it is common for us to ask ourselves: Does a hair graft last forever? It is normal that we want to know the answer, and it is usually one of the most common.

For that reason, today we want to answer one of the questions that patients most often ask when coming for consultation. Is a hair graft permanent?

Does a hair graft last forever?

Something that we must know when answering if a hair graft lasts forever is that the implanted follicular units are extracted from the donor area, which is not affected by androgenetic alopecia. 

This means that that grafted hair will last us for a long time, but we have to know that the progression of alopecia will not stop; Native hair can continue to fall out, so if we don't take good care of our hair we will notice that we lose density again.

There are reasons why the results of a hair graft can be lost, but we must know that by taking measures we do not have to lose it.

It could be compared to other types of cosmetic operations, such as a tummy tuck, or cosmetic touch-ups such as the use of botox. In the case of not following a subsequent maintenance, we will see how the results obtained are lost.

For that reason, in Hospital Capilar We highly recommend following hair maintenance treatments that help us to have hair the way we want it without future problems.

Is a hair graft permanent?

Reasons that can lead to hair loss after a hair micrograft

Now that we have explained if a hair graft lasts forever or not, it is important that we also know the reasons that can lead us to lose grafted hair. Although following the advice we will know everything we can do to take care of the hair and maintain it as much as possible, we must also know what can cause hair loss after a hair graft:

Clinical problems that may appear

There are certain clinical problems, such as the appearance of a lichen planus, which cause hair to fall out even years after having performed a transplant.

In case this happens we must go directly to a specialist who knows how to tell us what has happened and give us a solution in this regard.

Lack of maintenance after hair graft

As we said, the hair graft helps us to recover the hair, but it is not a cure for alopecia. To stop hair loss, there are maintenance treatments that help control this type of problem.

Hair maintenance treatments are the perfect allies to take care of our hair. For that reason, it is always advisable to follow some treatment that helps us to have hair the way we want it, without losing the density of the native hair or noticing more the advances of alopecia.

Reasons for hair loss

What is Shock Loss after a hair graft?

Something that we should also know is that a Shock Loss after a hair transplant. This process is totally common and should not worry us.

Around the month of the hair graft we will see that the grafted hair has fallen, but it can also happen that the native one falls out. It is totally normal and afterwards the hair will grow without problems.

Remember that hair lives a natural cycle!

We must also know that hair itself lives a natural cycle by which it grows, falls out and a new one grows. It is totally normal, and the grafted hair will also go through this process.

As it happened before the graft, we will see how the hair falls. The important thing is not to notice a lack of density and a fall that is greater than usual.

What is hair aging?

Age is noticeable throughout our bodies, and that includes our hair. We are not going to have the same hair when we are young as we are when we are older. All this makes it so important to take care of ourselves beforehand to take care of it completely.

All this can make us notice a loss of density that, although it will not be the same if we have had a previous graft, it is important to take into account. In case of noticing it, we must go to a specialist who knows how to tell us correctly what we can do in these cases.

Follow the postoperative rules indicated by the team!

Finally, we must bear in mind that it is very important to follow the postoperative rules after a hair graft. In addition to avoiding possible problems during the process, they help us achieve the result we were hoping for after the intervention.

In case of not complying with the rules, it is possible that the hair will not grow as we expect. For that reason it is so important to follow all the instructions that the team gives us.

Hair diagnosis at no cost

Your hair diagnosis at NO COST

Do you have hair problems and are you looking for a solution? In Hospital capilar We offer a free diagnosis through which we will analyze your case to give you an adapted solution.

All the answers about your hair in Hospital Capilar

Do you have doubts about the complete hair graft process? Either to know if a hair graft lasts forever or because you want to know all the parts of it, we will be happy to give you the answer.

We have a highly qualified team that will be happy to see your case in a personalized way and solve all the doubts you may have about it.



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