Young man with cap smiling in profile

June 1th, 2021

Age to have a hair graft: When is it better?

When we begin to notice a hair loss and we consider having a hair graft, doubts often come to mind: am I too old for this intervention? Or too young? Really, What is the age to get a perfect hair transplant?

Today we want to solve this question that is more common than it may seem, although remember that it is always best to speak directly with our team so that they can assist you in a personalized way, we are waiting for you!

What is the best age to get a hair graft?

When thinking about the best age to have a hair graft done, you may have heard on several occasions that it is best to have it done when we are in middle age. Why does this say? It's true?

It is often commented that you do not have to wait long for the graft to be performed because it is true that the longer we take, the more our degree of alopecia will advance. This may mean that by the time we decide to undergo the intervention, our donor area has become impoverished and the results will not be the same, or that we cannot even perform the hair graft.

In addition, many times it is also said that when we are young we must wait a while. This occurs especially when alopecia is not controlled and is at its peak, just when it is falling the most; When that happens, it is best to  wait until the alopecia is controlled.

Even so, it is always best to have a specialist determine our case. Each case is a world, so it is always best to carry out a preliminary analysis through which they determine what our situation is like and what can be done in a personalized way.

Best age to have a hair graft

What you should know before getting a hair graft

Taking into account when is the best age to have a hair graft done, there are certain factors that you should take into account and that always determine when it is best to perform the intervention.

Many times this influences regardless of age, but it is something that we must fully know and take into account before undergoing a hair graft:

Alopecia must have stopped

It is very important before undergoing a hair graft that our alopecia has slowed down. If it is right at its peak, when our hair falls the most, the result will not be the same once the complete hair graft process is finished.

For this reason there are also maintenance treatments that will help us control the progression of androgenetic alopecia and fully take care of our hair health.

You must be of legal age to undergo this intervention

Although the age to get a hair graft depends on each case, it is important to know that we must be of legal age to perform this type of intervention. There are very few cases where a minor undergoes a hair graft, and it must always be under the approval of their guardians.

The importance of doing a prior analysis of each case

Each case is unique, and that is why it is so important to do a previous analysis and diagnosis. In this way, it is determined whether or not one is suitable for a hair graft, taking into account all the factors that influence each case.

Hair diagnosis at no cost

Steps of a previous hair diagnosis

In addition to knowing the age to have a hair graft done, it is important to know what influences when making a diagnosis. This prior analysis helps to determine each case as well as the number of follicular units that can be implanted in a single intervention.

Advancement of our alopecia

It is important to analyze the degree of alopecia you have. Via the Hamilton-Norwood scale the progression of alopecia is determined, something that is decisive to see what can be done in each case.

The type of alopecia we have

The most common alopecia in men is androgenetic, but there are more types that are interesting to know. For example, there is areata or alopecia nervosa.

Some types of alopecia are inoperable, and others are temporary. Through this diagnosis, our team will be able to tell you whether or not it is possible to perform a hair graft.

Analyze the quality of our hair

The quality of the hair follicle is decisive in this type of alopecia, since it largely determines the amounts of follicular units that will be able to be extracted.

How is our donor area?

Follicular units are extracted from the donor area necessary, so it is very important to see the quality of it.

See our health status

In addition to the state of the scalp, it is important to know the health of the patient to know if something can influence the intervention. We have elaborate and strict protocols that help to see each case and to know how to act in certain situations that can influence the result.

En Hospital Capilar we solve all your doubts

Either to know at what age you can have a hair graft or because you want to know more about how is a hair graft, en Hospital Capilar we are at your fingertips to solve all your doubts.

Through our patient care telephone number, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have and to see your case in a personalized way to tell you what options there are.

Hair diagnosis at no cost

Hair diagnosis at no cost

En Hospital Capilar we are at your fingertips to solve all the doubts you may have about hair grafting and maintenance treatments. Through our free hair diagnosis we will analyze your case in a personalized way. We will wait for you!



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