hair of a woman

January 12, 2022

Most common scalp diseases: How to detect them?

On certain occasions we may experience certain discomforts in the head such as itching, burning or unusual hair loss. It is in these cases when we can be faced with one of the most common scalp diseases today. Therefore, below we tell you what they are and what symptoms derive from each of them.

What are the most common scalp diseases?

Away from alopecia, we understand as diseases of the scalp those pathologies that affect the skin of the head and, consequently, the hair. They can occur in both men and women of any age for various reasons.

Among the most common scalp diseases are five: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, ringworm, scleroderma and lichen planus. They do not maintain any relationship between them and their symptoms also differ depending on both the pathology in question and the stage in which it is found. However, in most of them it can cause unusual hair loss.

Could you recognize them? We give you the keys to detect the different effects and symptoms caused by the most common scalp diseases today.

Seborrheic dermatitis

La seborrheic dermatitis is a excessive accumulation of oil on the scalp. This is because the sebaceous glands produce more sebum than usual, causing inflammation and flaking of the skin.

Our doctors warn that among the most common scalp diseases, this is the one that most often affects the general population. It is not contagious but its effects must be monitored and controlled so as not to experience more serious symptoms.

People with seborrheic dermatitis have dandruff, redness on the scalp and oily hair.


Psoriasis is defined as a chronic autoimmune disease. This means that it is the person's own immune system that causes it.

People who have psoriasis experience itching and flaking. It also usually occurs with the appearance of some kinds of sticky plaques in the affected area. 

woman in white long-sleeved shirt standing in front of pink wall

Ringworm of the scalp

Unlike psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, ringworm is one of the most common scalp diseases that is contagious. It has its origin in a fungus known as tinea capitis. It is usually more common in children, although it can affect men and women of any age.

El itching and burning of the scalp are the main symptoms of ringworm. However, they can also be seen reddened areas and even punctual bald spots in the affected area.

Lichen planus

Like psoriasis, lichen planus is one of the most common autoimmune diseases of the scalp. Consists of the inflammation and irritation of the skin and hair that causes the appearance of itching in the affected area. It can also occur with capillary loss and, in addition, it can affect the mucous membranes and the nails.

The person with lichen planus also experiences hair loss and itchy scalp.

What to do in the face of a capillary pathology of this type?  

As we can see, the most common scalp diseases today have somewhat similar symptoms between them. For this reason, even if we know its symptoms, it is preferable to go to a specialist in the hair sector who can determine what it is and give it the appropriate treatment.

En Hospital Capilar We are experts in medicine and hair surgeries. We have a dermatology service, as well as an expert medical team, who will respond to your needs and tell you what to do in each case.

In addition, we have the most effective hair treatments of today with which to keep hair in the best condition and stop hair loss. 

Hospital Capilar Madrid

Your hair in the best hands

If what interests you is to take care of your hair in depth, put yourself in the hands of the medical team of Hospital Capilar. Sometimes a capillary pathology gives rise to hair loss, and in these cases diagnosing and treating it is essential. In addition, for permanent hair loss, hair grafting is the best option to recover hair. Request your first free diagnosis!



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