What is the Hamilton Norwood Scale?
July 7, 2023

Hamilton-Norwood Male Alopecia Scale: What is it?

Before performing a hair graft it is very important to make a proper diagnosis. For this, among other things, the Hamilton-Norwood scale of male alopecia. It is a tool with which specialist doctors determine the degree of alopecia in the male patient, since in the case of women a different scale is used. 

Knowing what the Hamilton-Norwood scale for male alopecia consists of, how it measures the degree of baldness as well as its importance in a hair diagnosis is key to understanding how hair loss progresses in men. Below we show you everything you need to know about this scale and why it is so important to take it into account. 

What is the Hamilton-Norwood Male Alopecia Scale?

When determining the degree of baldness is used the Hamilton-Norwood scale for male alopecia. However, in women the ludwig scale Since the female alopecia it does not have the same pattern as that which affects men. 

The Hamilton-Norwood scale is used to define the progression of alopecia in men by assigning a level based on the stage of baldness that goes from 1, when the alopecia has just started, to 7, the maximum degree. Determining the degree of baldness of the patient with the Hamilton-Norwood scale of male alopecia is key to being able to carry out a good diagnosis and, consequently, recommend the most effective treatment in each case. 

Origin of the Hamilton-Norwood scale 

This scale as we know it today was the work of two men at different times: Mr. James Hamilton in the 50s classified the types of baldness into five degrees, while in the 70s Norwood decided to add two more degrees so that be even more detailed. This is why this tool receives the name of both. 

It is currently the scale most used by hair health professionals to measure the stage in which the patient is with androgenetic alopecia

Degrees of male alopecia according to the Hamilton-Norwood scale

Within the Hamilton-Norwood scale of male alopecia, as we have commented before, several degrees are identified with which the progress of androgenetic alopecia in men is determined. Depending on the degree of alopecia in which the patient is, a hair transplant can be performed with satisfactory results or, on the contrary, it will not be suitable for hair grafting

Grade I

It is the most subtle degree of alopecia, practically imperceptible. It starts at the frontal area of ​​the scalp with a slight lack of density or thinning. It is here where you can see the first signs of baldness

Grade II

When it is said of a patient that he is in grade II androgenetic alopecia, it means that the entries are already appreciated. This degree can extend over time for a very long period. In these cases, the capillary graft would mainly consist of rebuild the front line and correct the entries. 

Types of alopecia that exist

Grade III

When this degree of alopecia is reached, the lack of density in the crown area begins to be noticed, although there is still time to solve it and stop its progress. Therefore, the patient with grade III androgenetic alopecia has receding hairlines and a bit of a crown. 

Grade IV

At this point, the alopecia is already much more noticeable and begins to spread along the sides of the scalp. 

XNUMXth grade

Grade V male alopecia shows the upper area of ​​the scalp with virtually no hair. The crown and the entrances have almost joined.  

Grade VI 

Also called severe alopecia, since there is no separation between the previous entries and the crown. In addition, it extends even further on the sides.

Grade VII

Generalized alopecia is that considered completely inoperable - although already in the previous degrees you may be unfit -. This is because the portion of hair that remains, that is, the donor area, is practically minimal.

The importance of the Hamilton-Norwood scale for male alopecia 

The Hamilton-Norwood scale is a basic tool in the hair study in cases of alopecia in men. It is important since with it the possibility of undergoing a hair graft to recover lost hair or others hair treatments. In addition, it also serves to explain the need for an early diagnosis in hair medicine so that in case of hair loss it can be solved with good aesthetic results. When the degree of alopecia has advanced too much, little can be done. 

In short, it is essential that at the first signs of baldness or unusual hair loss, consult an expert to treat it before it is too late. 

Before and after a hair transplant in Hospital Capilar

Hair diagnosis at no cost

En Hospital Capilar We know the importance of a good diagnosis. For this reason, we put at your disposal the best equipment and technology to see your case in a personalized way and give you an adapted solution. Through our free diagnosis we will determine your case to indicate which hair solution is the best for you. We will wait for you!



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