The process of a hair graft until we see results is long, since the implanted hair goes through different stages. One of these stages that usually worries patients the most is what is known as the desert phase in a hair graft, although we can also hear of it as Shock Loss, in which the hair falls abruptly. This usually generates multiple doubts and concerns in the patient and, for this reason, below we will tell you everything you need to know about the desert phase in a hair graft.
Dr. Raquel Amaro Silva
Collegiate No. 362607457
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela with a Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Trichology and Hair Micrograft. She currently works as a doctor and hair surgeon in Hospital Capilar as head of the headquarters Hospital Capilar Pontevedra.
As he points out medical team of Hospital Capilar, the desert phase in a hair graft is a completely normal process What happens after hair surgery? During this stage, the implanted hair that is already beginning to grow, and sometimes also the hair of the donor zone, falls off abruptly. This makes the patient look like they did before undergoing the intervention, which usually causes a strong impact. However, it must be taken into account that this must occur so that the new hair grows stronger and thicker.
During hair surgery, trauma or stress occurs on the scalp derived from the technique used: follicle extraction, incisions and implantation. This makes the Hair follicles that have been implanted in the receiving area come into telogen phase to subsequently begin the anagen phase in which the hair will grow again.
Ultimately, The desert phase in a hair graft is a practically imminent process derived from the trauma suffered during hair surgery. It mainly affects the recipient area, but it can also affect the donor area. It is not a reason for failure, on the contrary, hair falls out but hair follicles remain on the scalp which will make the new hair grow with better quality and more strength.
The desert phase begins from the third week after the hair implant. During these first weeks you can see that the hair that has been implanted in the area affected by the treatment is already growing. alopecia. However, after about a month, that new hair will fall out. This hair loss process will last approximately 2 weeks. Even if the hair stops falling out after a couple of weeks, we will have to wait about 2 or 3 months for the new hair growth to become evident after this loss.
These times are relative and may vary depending on each patient. In any case, it is important not to worry unnecessarily and to be aware that it is a somewhat long process in which we must be patient and, above all, follow all the instructions provided by the medical team regarding the procedure. hair graft postoperative. In this way we will obtain results that live up to expectations.
Due to the impact that the desert phase tends to cause after hair transplantation in patients, patients are often consulted about methods or ways to prevent going through this Shock Loss. The truth is that it cannot be done, the patient who undergoes hair surgery in 90% of cases will go through the desert phase. Yes, it is true that with hair treatments such as Platelet Rich Plasma We can improve the quality of the new hair that will be born and promote hair regeneration. But in no case is it possible to prevent the desert phase in a hair graft.
As we have previously commented, the hair that falls from the receiving area will come out with more strength and vitality. However, we must be patient since, as established in the life cycle of hair follicles, certain times will have to be respected for the hair follicle to go from its telogen phase to the anagen phase and new hair begins to grow.
After 6 months after the hair implant, the hair will have grown around 50%. At this stage we can already see a notable change compared to before the hair surgery. However, there will still be the other half to grow.
It is in this phase of the capillary graft when Hospital Capilar We carry out a medical review in consultation to appreciate the evolution of the implant.
One year after the hair transplant is when we will be able to appreciate the definitive results of the hair surgery. At this stage the new hair has already completely emerged and a definitive change will be seen.
In cases where the hair graft is also done in the crown, we will have to wait up to 18 months to see the definitive results in this area.
En Hospital Capilar We are experts in hair grafting in Spain, and our patients guarantee us. Request your medical diagnosis at no cost and recover your hair from the hands of professionals.
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