A very common question that arises in patients who undergo a eyebrow graft is if they can wearing sunglasses after an eyebrow graft in order to protect and hide the area.
However, before solving that question, we need to talk a little more about brow grafting.
Next, we leave you all the information about it.
When performing a graft, there are different reasons that can lead to the need to redensify the area.
Some of the most common causes are the lack of density due to excessive hair removal that causes irrecoverable bald spots; lack of density in the eyebrow due to anxiety or stress, which encourages massive hair loss; hormonal problems that cause us to fall further; recovering the eyebrows after aggressive medical treatments such as chemotherapy and after which the eyebrow no longer grows back as before or scars that do not allow the hair to come out again.
It is also worth mentioning that another cause may be scarring alopecia. In this case, prior medical treatment is necessary before the intervention.
For the eyebrow transplant the FUE technique is used and this allows to partially or totally repopulate the eyebrows with a very natural and almost imperceptible result.
The results of this type of graft are definitive, we will only have to worry about trimming the hair of the eyebrow since, when extracted from the nape area, that hair will grow more than that of our eyebrow and we must periodically equalize it so that the difference is not appreciated.
For this graft, the necessary follicular units are extracted from the donor area, which as we have said is in the nape, to later separate them hair by hair to graft them individually on the eyebrow.
It is essential before this graft that the medical team make a good design, taking into account the features of the patient's face and favoring its structure.
The importance of the eyebrows not only resides in aesthetics but also fulfills a series of functions that help us protect ourselves on a day-to-day basis.
The eyebrows act as a protective barrier against external factors such as rain, dust or sweat. These ensure that most of these fluids and / or particles remain trapped in them and thus do not enter the eyes.
When we frown and squint, we don't realize that what we're really doing is getting our eyebrows to protect our eyes from the sun's rays.
The eyebrows also fulfill a communicative function since they help us to express feelings or sensations and they accompany us when we try to tell something. Just as we gesture with our hands, we also do it with our eyebrows.
Aesthetically, they shape our gaze, frame it and make it more intense and attractive. A look flanked by powerful eyebrows is much more attractive.
There are a series of postoperative rules that we must adhere to to the letter, just as it happens when we perform a hair graft.
After the eyebrow graft, our medical team is in charge of telling us everything we can and cannot do in our day to day during the healing process of the area. However, with care and following the instructions, we can get into our routine.
Although it is an outpatient intervention, which touches a much smaller area than the capillary graft, the application of anesthesia is necessary, so driving is discouraged during that day.
It is important that, at least, during the first four nights you sleep upright to avoid putting pressure on the grafts and / or rubbing them when rotating on the pillow.
This is perhaps one of the most repeated questions when faced with eyebrow graft surgery, since many want to cover the area while it heals, as well as because we cannot expose that area to the sun, since it negatively influences the postoperative period.
The good news is that yes, we can use sunglasses after an eyebrow graft but with the condition that they are loose-fitting glasses that at no time exert friction or pressure on the grafts and in this way the area breathes.
We can and must use them during the first month after surgery to ensure that the area remains protected from external agents.
Once this month has passed, we must assess with the medical team if the area is ready to be exposed to the sun and other external agents or if, on the contrary, we must wait a little longer, since not all patients heal the same and recovery can vary depending on the characteristics of each one.
If you are interested in an eyebrow graft, do not hesitate to ask us for more information and we will be happy to help you and accompany you throughout the grafting process.
Don't think about it anymore and dare to regain the density that your eyebrows have lost.
En Hospital Capilar we are at your fingertips to help you find a definitive solution to enhance your look. We will be happy to inform you about the eyebrow implant.
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