Lifting weights after a hair graft

Can I do weights after a hair transplant?

After a hair transplant, it is essential to follow a series of medical indications to avoid possible complications and thus guarantee the best results. Among the main recommendations are those related to sports, which we should avoid for a while. Then, When can I lift weights after a hair transplant? From what day can you return to the gym after the hair transplant?

In the blog de Hospital Capilar, clinic specialized in medicine and hair surgeries, we tell you everything you need to know about lifting weights after a hair transplant: Is it viable or not?

Exercise after a hair transplant

Coming out of hair transplant surgery begins the postoperative. During this stage we must be very careful to avoid possible complications such as the development of a folliculitis.

In this sense, it is very important to know that sport after a hair transplant is totally discouraged for a while. This is because excessive sweating, as well as exerting pressure, can negatively affect the grafts.

In order not to interfere with the correct development of the implants, we must take into account when we can practice exercise such as weight training after a hair transplant.

After two weeks of hair transplant

The first days after surgery you can not practice sports in any case. However, once the first two weeks have elapsed after the hair graft, you can exercise, but it is very important that it be gentle. We must avoid sweating as well as exerting excessive pressure.

During this period it is still not possible to do weights after the hair graft, since it is only recommended to take walks and the like. 

man holding dumbbells

One month after hair transplant

It is from the month after the capillary implant when we will be able to lead a normal life. With regard to sport too, so it is now possible to resume exercises that involve high sweating.

When can I lift weights after a hair transplant?

After knowing the position that we must adopt towards sports after undergoing a hair transplant, at what point is it possible to do Persian again after a hair transplant?

Generally, a month after the intervention we can return to the gym and practice the exercises we used to do regularly, including weights.

The importance of a good postoperative period in a capillary implant

The success of the results of a hair graft does not depend solely on the skill of the surgeon and his team. The patient must be aware that Performing a correct postoperative period is essential to achieve aesthetic results that meet expectations..

En Hospital Capilar We have a highly qualified team with which you can solve all your doubts about the postoperative period of a hair implant, as well as about any other aspect of the process. In addition, we carry out exhaustive postoperative follow-up to verify that the capillary graft is progressing correctly and, if not, to apply the pertinent medical treatment.

hair transplant clinic Hospital Capilar in Madrid

Your medical diagnosis at no cost in Hospital Capilar

Interested in a hair transplant? On Hospital Capilar We have clinics in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra dedicated exclusively to hair medicine. Request your first diagnosis completely free and put yourself in the best hands. 



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