December 18th 2024

Hair transplant on entrances: Does it give good results?

Alopecia is a disease that affects a high percentage of the population, as indicated by the rate of alopecia in Spain. It usually begins with irreversible hair loss in the front, giving rise to the famous receding hairline, and from here, baldness begins to advance towards the back. What can be done in these cases to recover the hair in the receding hairline? Is hair transplantation in the receding hairline a good option? What is the price of recovering hair in the receding hairline?

En Hospital Capilar We are experts in hair grafting in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra. In our blog We tell you about the procedure of a hair transplant in the entrances, the results it offers and in which cases it is recommended to recover the hair in the entrances.

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Phase of incisions and implantation with DHI for a hair graft at the entrances

Can hair be recovered from the temples without a hair transplant?

Androgenic alopecia, which causes the appearance of a receding hairline, causes hair miniaturization (thinning of the hair) and subsequent follicular loss. When alopecia progresses and causes completely hairless areas, it means that the follicular units in that area have fallen off. In these cases, The only method by which we can recover the hair in the entrances is with the hair graft

Is hair transplantation on the entrances permanent? 

One of the biggest doubts about this technique is the durability of the results. To understand this, it is important to know that androgenic alopecia, responsible for hair loss in the temples, is a chronic disease that has no cure, but there is treatment to stop its progression. Hair grafting is the technique with which to grow hair back in areas affected by alopecia, but it will not stop hair loss. To stop hair loss, a pharmacological treatment is required, mainly composed of oral vasodilators and antiandrogens. 

Therefore, hair transplantation in the entrances is definitive if combined with the appropriate medical treatment for each patient. 

What does a capillary graft in the entrances consist of? 

A capillary graft in the entrances is understood as a outpatient and minimally invasive surgery. It is currently the only method to recover hair from the entrance area that was lost due to alopecia, usually androgenic. The Hair treatments to stop baldness They are aimed at stopping hair loss and improving the quality of native hair, but they will not make the hair that was lost grow back, so the FUE hair implant It is the only technique with which to have hair again in the areas where it has stopped growing.

Hair grafting in the entrances requires a medical diagnosis to determine the feasibility of said intervention. If the medical team determines that the patient is suitable for hair implantation with expectations of achieving aesthetic results that meet the patient's expectations, the person in question goes through the different phases of a hair transplant.

front line design

The first thing that is carried out, after having shaved the head, is the front line designTo do this, the surgeon takes into account the patient preferences, but also other aspects such as sor physiognomy.

Application of local anesthesia

Hair transplantation does not require general anesthesia, only local, so The patient remains awake and conscious during the intervention. The application of local anesthesia is the only phase that is bothersome in a hair implant and, for this reason, in Hospital Capilar we have the pre-anesthesia with which we managed to reduce the pain considerably.

Follicular unit extraction 

Once the area is asleep, the health team proceeds to extract the necessary follicular units, that is, the "small bags" that contain the hair from which, after a while, the hair will grow. These follicles are extracted from the area that is not affected by alopecia, known as donor zone. It is performed individually with a micromotor punch, thus reducing possible damage to the native hair and leaving no visible scars. As they are extracted, they are placed in Petri dishes for better preservation. 

Making incisions in the recipient area

Once the necessary follicular units have been extracted, the surgeon proceeds to make the incisions with a sapphire scalpel in the recipient area. In this case, the inlets are the recipient area. It is in these channels where the hair follicles are implanted. 

Follicular unit implantation 

The last phase of a hair transplant in the entrances is the implantation of the previously extracted follicular units in the cavities created by the surgeon. 

What is the post-operative period like after a hair transplant on the entrances?

Once the hair transplant surgery is finished, the patient returns home and begins the hair implant postoperative. The next day you must go to the 24 hour cure in clinic, as well as subsequent reviews.

At this stage of the process, it is crucial that the patient complies with all medical instructions. Otherwise, complications such as infections may occur that could affect the final result of the hair transplant. 

The most important instructions include not manipulating the grafts during the first few days, keeping the area hydrated and clean, avoiding direct sun exposure during the first few months, avoiding exercise during the first month, and taking the medication prescribed by the medical team. 

What is the price of a hair transplant on the entrances? 

El price of a hair graft in the entrances is another of the most frequent doubts about this medical procedure. The intervention usually ranges between 2.000 euros and 4.000 euros, depending on each hair clinic. 

Results of a capillary graft in the entrances

The results The hair transplant in the hairline is permanent after the first year of the intervention. These are natural, since it is the patient's own hair that is implanted. However, it is necessary to resort to medical treatment to stabilize the alopecia and maintain the native hair, since otherwise the disease progresses causing the destruction of the hair follicles.

The process of growing new hair after a hair implant goes through different phases.

One month after hair transplant

During the first month after the capillary implant, the scabs, which we must not manipulate or start in any case. And, in addition, a phenomenon known as shock loss during which the implanted hair falls out. Our team of doctors states that this is a normal process and the hair will grow back as the hair follicles do not fall out.

6 months after the intervention

Once the 6 months have elapsed, the first changes can be seen. It could be said that after the sixth month, 50% of the result is reached. New hair can already be seen in the intervened area, although it would still need to grow.

The first year after hair transplant

One year after the capillary implant, the patient can already appreciate the definitive results of his capillary graft at the entrances.

Doctor performing a hair analysis on a patient who is experiencing hair loss

Get your hair back in Hospital Capilar

Hairless areas? Ticket appearance? Do you want to stop the advance of alopecia? Request your medical diagnosis at no cost and recover your hair from the hands of an expert medical team. We will be happy to assist you!


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