27th September 2024

The importance of hair transplantation in men

Alopecia is one of the most widespread diseases in our country. Although it also affects women, there is a higher percentage of baldness in men. In this sense, hair transplants in men are widely used today, mainly due to the high rate of alopecia in men and the excellent results offered by hair surgery. 

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Extraction of follicles in a hair graft

How baldness affects men 

Alopecia affects a large number of men throughout their lives. Although it may seem normal, many of them experience a feeling of loss of identity when the first signs of baldness appear. In most cases, this leads to a lack of self-esteem that affects their daily lives. 

Psychological and social impact

Although baldness is apparently considered an aesthetic problem, the truth is that in most cases there is a strong psychological and social component. Many men with baldness say they feel a considerable decrease in their self-esteem, which has repercussions on a social and even professional level. 

Insecurity due to alopecia often causes many men to experience greater anxiety in social settings, even avoiding certain plans or situations, or to strive to wear hairstyles that conceal the alopecia areas. 

This is why restoring hair through a hair transplant not only improves physical appearance, but also emotional well-being, allowing many men to regain their confidence and enjoy a fuller life.

Baldness statistics in Spain

In Spain, alopecia affects almost half of the Spanish population. Of this percentage of people, this disease has an incidence of almost 50% in men over 50 years of age, according to various studies. However, hair loss is not exclusive to older men; around 25% of men between 20 and 30 years of age begin to notice the first signs of androgenetic alopecia, the most common type of baldness. These data reveal that concern about hair loss is a reality present in the lives of many young and adult men in the country.

Common causes of hair loss in men

Hair loss can be due to multiple causes. It is important to know the type of alopecia or the cause that favors hair loss in order to begin with the most effective treatment in each case. We can find out this with a medical hair diagnosis. 

Androgenic alopecia

Baldness in men is usually due to what is known as androgenic alopecia. This is a type of hormonal alopecia with a strong genetic component that causes irreversible hair loss, leading to baldness. 

What happens in these cases is that a hormone derived from testosterone, known as Dihydrotestosterone, attacks the hair follicles, causing them to become miniaturized, or thin, and then fall out. When the follicle falls off, the hair that falls out does not grow back naturally. 

Other causes 

Although it occurs to a lesser extent, hair loss in men can also be caused by other types of alopecia. The development of alopecia areata or certain treatments can cause baldness in men. 

Is it possible to prevent alopecia? 

It is not possible to prevent alopecia, especially when it comes to androgenic alopecia. It is true that we can follow a healthy lifestyle in which taking care of our diet and practicing sports will help our hair to be healthier. 

The best way to slow the progression of alopecia is to see a specialist at the first signs of baldness. This way, the most optimal treatment will be recommended in each case, reducing the effects of hair loss. 

How to treat alopecia

Although alopecia cannot always be prevented, there are effective treatments to stop or even reverse it. The two most common methods to address hair loss are medical treatments and hair surgery.

Pharmaceutical products 

The use of medication is the ideal option to treat alopecia as such. The two most common drugs are Minoxidil and Finasteride. Minoxidil helps stimulate hair growth and reduce the miniaturization caused by androgenic alopecia. Finasteride, on the other hand, is an oral medication that blocks the production of DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss. 

Hair surgery

El FUE hair transplant It is a definitive solution for men suffering from advanced baldness. This technique consists of extracting hair follicles from areas without alopecia (usually the back of the head) and transplanting them to the bald areas or those with loss of hair density. Hospital CapilarWe offer advanced techniques such as FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction), which guarantees natural and minimally invasive results.

This treatment has gained popularity due to its ability to provide a long-term solution, with visible and long-lasting results.

Doctor performing a hair study with trichoscope

En Hospital Capilar we take care of your hair

If you are thinking about having a hair transplant, it is essential to choose a clinic that has experience and trained professionals. Hospital CapilarWe offer personalized treatments, adapted to the specific needs of each patient. Request your free hair diagnosis and put yourself in the hands of professionals.


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