May 13th 2024

Can a hair graft be done in patients with hair micropigmentation?

La androgenetic alopecia It is one of the most common causes of hair loss in men and women. In the most advanced cases, the only effective solution to recover hair is a hair graft.

However, there are patients who have previously undergone hair micropigmentation treatment with the aim of concealing baldness. In these cases, they may consider undergoing a hair transplant. They are compatible? The answer is yes, but it is necessary to take into account a series of aspects.

In this article, we are going to answer the most common questions about the compatibility of hair transplant and hair micropigmentation.

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Hair graft in patient with capillary micropigmentation

What is capillary micropigmentation?

Hair micropigmentation is an aesthetic treatment that is used to create the appearance of hair in areas with alopecia. The procedure involves injecting color pigments into the skin of the scalp.

Hair micropigmentation can be a good option for patients with alopecia who do not want to undergo a hair transplant. However, it is important to keep in mind that hair micropigmentation is not a permanent treatment. The pigment can fade over time, so regular touch-ups are necessary. Furthermore, the aesthetic result is not as natural as that offered by the hair implant, since it simulates hair with ink, while in the hair graft it is hair.

Is hair transplant compatible with hair micropigmentation?

In general, hair grafting is compatible with hair micropigmentation. However, it is important to take into account some factors:

  • The type of capillary micropigmentation: Hair micropigmentation can be performed in two ways: with a hair-to-hair technique or with a dermograph technique. The hair-to-hair technique is the most natural, but it is also the most invasive. The dermograph technique is less invasive, but it is also less natural. Depending on the condition of the scalp after micropigmentation, specialist doctors assess the viability of the hair implant.
  • The area to treat: Hair transplant can be performed in any area of ​​the scalp. However, it is important to keep in mind that capillary micropigmentation is usually performed in the frontal and parietal areas.
  • The condition of the scalp: The scalp must be healthy for the hair graft to have a good result. In case the scalp is damaged or inflamed, it may be necessary to wait for it to heal before undergoing a hair transplant.

What happens if I have a hair transplant after hair micropigmentation?

In general terms, it is possible to perform a hair graft after hair micropigmentation. Of course, a prior medical evaluation is necessary to evaluate the condition of the scalp and the quality of the hair, among others, to determine the viability of the hair implant.

What can happen after the hair implant is that the ink that was on the scalp disappears. When making the incisions, small wounds are generated that end up blurring the micropigmentation. However, the aesthetic result is satisfactory and natural, as hair grows in the areas affected by alopecia instead of ink.

What happens if I have hair micropigmentation after hair transplant?

It is totally contraindicated to have hair micropigmentation after the implant. After the intervention, the scalp is sensitized and the follicular units have recently been transplanted, so it takes a considerable time for the area to fully recover and the micropigmentation not to damage the hair. Hair follicles grafted.

It is advisable to wait at least one year after the intervention, since it is at this time that the definitive results will be seen and we will be able to assess the need for micropigmentation or a second hair surgery.

Hospital Capilar Madrid

Do you want to know more about hair transplant?

Interested in a hair graft? In Hospital Capilar We have a team of hair graft specialists with extensive experience. We offer you a free diagnosis so you can know your options and make the most appropriate decision for you.


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