Extraction phase of the hair graft with beard hair
5th October 2023

Hair graft with beard hair: Is it viable?

Not all patients are suitable for a hair transplant. In cases where the alopecia is widespread and there is not enough donor area to cover the bald area, it is said that the patient It is not suitable for a hair transplant. In this context, the possibility of performing a capillary graft with beard hair is being raised in those patients with good density in the area, but to what extent is this intervention feasible? Does hair grafting with beard hair offer good results?

At blog de Hospital Capilar We will tell you the step by step of a hair graft with beard hair, as well as what are the results offered by this technique. Next!

Is it possible to perform a hair graft with hair from the beard?

Although it is usual to perform the hair implant with hair from the patient's head, Yes, it is feasible to perform a capillary graft with hair from the beard. This is known as Body Hair Transplant, or BHT, and is also performed with the FUE technique. The only thing that differentiates it from the hair implant as such is the extraction area of ​​the follicular units, in addition to the results obtained.

Therefore, hair transplantation with facial hair is possible and sometimes beard hair is combined with follicles extracted from the scalp. It is a surgery that is performed on an outpatient basis, minimally invasive, and consists of several phases.

Medical diagnostic

As usually happens, the viability of the hair graft with hair from the beard is determined based on a capillary analysis previous. In this diagnosis, the medical team studies the degree of alopecia of the patient, the density of the beard, the patient's expectations, as well as the general state of health of the patient. The estimation of the hair follicles that are necessary to successfully perform the hair implant is also carried out.

Design of the donor and recipient area

El front line design, recipient area and donor area is performed by the surgeon. This is carried out mainly according to the tastes and physiognomy of the patient.

Application of local anesthesia

Hair grafting with beard hair is not performed under general anesthesia. As it is an outpatient surgery, only Anesthesia local. This phase is usually somewhat painful for the patient and, therefore, in Hospital Capilar we perform the pre-anesthesia which considerably reduces the pain of the anesthesia itself.

Extraction of beard follicles

When the area is anesthetized, the healthcare team proceeds with the extraction of the hair follicles in the beard area. This process of extraction It is performed with the FUE technique, so it does not leave visible scars. The hair on the beard is different from the hair on the head, and it is usually somewhat more complicated to extract, so this phase usually takes a little longer.

The extracted follicular units are classified and studied, separating them by number of hairs. Thus, the follicles extracted from the beard usually have a maximum of 2 hairs, while those extracted from the scalp can contain up to 5 hairs in the same follicular unit. The follicles are placed in Petri dishes for better conservation.

Implantation of follicles in the recipient area

Hair transplant surgery with beard hair ends with the implantation of the extracted follicles. The surgeon makes incisions in the recipient area with a sapphire scalpel, which reduces bleeding, allows more precision and improves healing. In these cavities, each follicular unit is implanted one by one, thus concluding the intervention.

From here the patient can return to his home with relative normality and the treatment begins. postoperative.

Results of a hair graft with beard hair

The results of a hair graft with beard hair are not as natural as when the follicles are extracted from the head, and this is indicated by the doctors from Hospital Capilar. Beard hair is different from scalp hair in thickness, shape and size, which means that it does not completely resemble the patient's native hair. In Hospital Capilar we do not perform the Body Hair Transplant mainly because optimal result is not achieved.

When follicles extracted from the beard are combined with those extracted from the scalp, those from the beard are not implanted on the frontal line or in visible areas. Normally they are grafted in the central area of ​​the head and on the crown to redensify.

hair transplant clinic Hospital Capilar in Madrid

Solve your doubts about hair grafting in Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar We are experts in hair grafting and hair care. Resolve your doubts about hair grafting at our hair clinic in Madrid, or also in Murcia and Pontevedra. 
