Woman with curly hair smiling on top of a man

Hair graft in curly hair: Everything you need to know

There are many doubts that our patients have when they ask us about the hair graft on curly hair. 

It's possible? Are the results as good as with straight hair? Here we tell you everything you need to know.

Differences between straight hair and curly hair

The differences between straight hair and curly hair They not only reside in their external appearance, since we can also find them in their structure.

The cortex is the middle layer of the hair, which acts as the main source of water absorption. This contains melanin which is what gives color to the hair fiber and determines whether a person is blonde, redhead, brown or brown.  And also this cortex is what determines the shape of the follicles, which will mark whether the hair is curly or straight. 

Those with straight hair have round hair fibers and oval fibers are what give rise to curly or wavy hair.

Curly hair facts

How is the graft surgery in curly hair?

The capillary graft in curly hair follows the same procedure as a graft with straight hair and it is possible if we have a highly qualified team that knows how to work this type of hair.

It is necessary to bear in mind that curly hair has a twisted follicle so the hair is born wavy from the roots. This requires great precision and experience on the part of the medical team when it comes to extracting the follicular units so that they can be collected without damaging them.

It is also necessary to pay close attention to the orientation that the hair has to graft it in the receiving area towards the place that corresponds to it so that once the grafted hair is born, it is completely natural and uniform. 

In addition, the design of the front line must also be adapted to the type of hair, thinking about its final shape once the hair has grown. 

Does curly hair provide greater density than straight hair?

It is very common to confuse volume with density and think that by having wavy or curly hair we will have a higher density, however this is not exactly the case. 

Curly hair adds volume

What curly hair gives us is more volume to the hair, since by increasing its volume and the area it occupies due to its shape, it makes our hair more voluminous and a false impression of greater density.

Hair density depends on hair color

The density of the hair is defined by the color of the hair that we have. Blondes have the greatest amount of hair, followed by brunettes, and redheads are those with the least amount of hair.

hair graft in Spain

Importance of prior diagnosis

Previous diagnosis helps us determine the progression of alopecia and the degree to which it is, as well as the health of our donor and recipient areas. 

We can also determine how many approximate follicular units can be extracted, taking into account not visually damaging the donor area. 


In addition, if you have curly hair and you have doubts about how the result of your hair graft will be, our experts will advise you at all times and will study your case. 

Hair transplant in Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar We are at your entire disposal for the performance of hair graft surgeries as well as for the administration of hair treatments such as PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma or HRT or Hair Redensification Treatment. 

Do not hesitate to visit any of our clinics and join the Hair Revolution. 

Hospital Capilar Madrid

Hair diagnosis at no cost

En Hospital Capilar we are at your fingertips to resolve all your doubts about hair grafting and determine your case through hair diagnosis. We will wait for you!



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