Phase of incisions and implantation with an implanter in a hair graft without shaving
February 6th 2025

Hair graft without shave: Advantages and disadvantages

The unshaven hair transplant is a perfect option for those who want to keep the length of their hair when performing a hair transplant. Although the usual thing is to shave all the hair to carry out the intervention more comfortably, thanks to this type of technique it is possible to avoid cutting the hair before a hair implant. How would the hair transplant be performed then? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? It's advisable? Does it offer good results?

From Hospital Capilar, an expert hair transplant clinic in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you everything you need to know about hair transplant without a shave: procedure and technique used, advantages, disadvantages and results. 

What is hair graft without shaving?

The hair graft without a shave is a version of the FUE technique where it is not necessary to shave all the hair. Only a small window or "flap" is shaved in the donor zone from where the necessary follicular units are extracted. In other words, when we talk about hair grafting without shaving, it does shave, but only a small area that will go unnoticed with the length of the native hair. The receiving area of the patient it is not necessary to shave it. 

This is a highly demanded method, especially in cases of hair transplant in women, since we avoid the trauma that often occurs with shaving the entire head. Also in men with long hair who only seek to redensify the area and do not want to cut their hair. 

The hair graft without shave is performed under the FUE technique/DHI, which is the same as the widespread FUE technique but with differences when it comes to implanting the follicular units in the area affected by the alopecia and, obviously, without the need to shave the hair in its entirety. This method is carried out with an instrument known as an implanter, which allows the follicle to be implanted and the incision made at the same time. This makes it much more precise and the chances of damaging the native hair are reduced, although it is a more expensive intervention that involves more time. 

To opt for hair grafting without shaving, it is essential that a medical team determine the feasibility of this technique. If for aesthetic or medical reasons it is preferable to shave all the hair, the patient should opt for the FUE hair transplant Normal. 

Process of a hair graft without shaving

As we have previously commented, the hair transplant without a shave is performed with the FUE/DHI, a slight variation of the original FUE techniqueThe hair transplant procedure without having to shave the entire head presents slight variations both in instruments and in the implantation of follicular units with respect to the usual hair implant. 

The process of an unshaved hair graft consists of several stages. 

Shaving of the donor area

In the hair graft without shaving, a small window of the donor area is shaved that goes unnoticed with the length of the hair. From this shaved area, the necessary follicular units are extracted to cover or redensify the area to be treated. 

anesthesia application

During the capillary graft the patient does not feel any type of discomfort since the Anesthesia local. This phase is usually the most annoying since it is injected directly into the scalp, so in Hospital Capilar we have the pre-anesthesia with which we reduce pain considerably. 

General anesthesia is not necessary for a hair transplant, so the patient remains awake and conscious during the entire surgery. 

Follicular unit extraction 

La follicular unit extraction In a hair transplant without shaving, it is performed in the same way as in the conventional FUE hair implant. A micromotor punch is used and the follicles are extracted one by one so as not to leave visible scars. The follicles are placed in Petri dishes for better preservation. 

Extraction of follicular units in a FUE hair graft

Follicle implantation

Using the implanter, the extracted follicular units are loaded into this instrument and, when activated, the incision and the implantation of the follicle are performed simultaneously. This is done one by one with all the follicles necessary to cover the area affected by alopecia. With this, the hair graft is finished without shaving. 

Advantages of hair grafting without shaving

Hair grafting without shaving is a type of technique in high demand for all the benefits it offers, since we will not have to cut the hair. But, in addition to this, what other benefits does the FUE technique offer DHI?

Helps redensify hair

Thanks to the FUE technique DHI it is possible to redensify the areas of the scalp where the hair has fallen, being able to maintain the length without problems. 

A hair graft that goes unnoticed

Hair grafting without shaving is a technique that goes much more unnoticed, as you do not have to shave all the hair to do it. In this way, the length of the hair is preserved without having to worry about losing it to perform this intervention.

Ally of the weakest hair

By using the "Implanter" it is possible to preserve the weakest hair. This appliance allows it to be less invasive and to introduce the follicular units where it is necessary without damaging the native hair, even if it is weaker. In this way, a greater redensification of the area is allowed without damaging the hair that we already have.

Disadvantages of the hair transplant without a shave

In the same way that it is a method that offers many advantages and benefits for the patient, it also has some drawbacks to take into account. 

Not everyone is fit

Even if the medical team determines that you are suitable for hair transplant, it may happen that it is not advisable to opt for the hair graft without shaving. This can occur when aesthetically it is better to shave than to maintain the length of the hair, or in cases where the surgery is very large and would take excessive time. 

longer intervention

Carrying out the implantation with an implanter requires more time, since each follicular unit must be loaded one by one into the instrument. Therefore, unless it is a small surgery, the hair graft without shave is an intervention that lasts longer than a conventional one.

Differences from the FUE technique DHI from conventional FUE

As we have commented, the hair transplant without a shave is performed following the FUE technique. DHI, which follows the FUE but with slight variations. Next we show you what are the differences of the hair graft without shaving with DHI and transplantation with conventional FUE. 

Use of different tools

The technique DHI It is performed using a device other than conventional FUE. Using a device called Implanter, the incisions are made while the follicular units are implanted. By means of this tool, it is possible to preserve the native hair of the receiving area without the need to shave.

different implantation

Implantation is not performed by grafting each follicle with forceps into the cavities previously opened with a scalpel. In the FUE technique DHI it is implanted and the incision is made at the same time thanks to the implanter. 

Before and after a hair transplant in Hospital Capilar

Get your hair back in Hospital Capilar

A good medical diagnosis is the key to knowing if we are suitable for a hair graft and, in any case, obtaining satisfactory results. In Hospital Capilar you will find a first-class medical team with which to obtain a great change. Request your hair diagnosis at no cost and put yourself in good hands. 



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