Dr. Soto, one of the surgeons at Hospital Capilar Madrid, has attended the Telemadrid program Juntos to clarify some of the most popular hair care myths currently, resolving the eternal doubt: does washing your hair every day encourage hair loss?
One of the key factors in understanding how often it is recommended to wash your hair lies in the sebaceous glands. These are located in the dermis, near each hair follicle, and are responsible for synthesizing sebum to hydrate the skin, help eliminate old cells and provide the necessary antioxidants. In short, the sebaceous glands that we have on the scalp are those that produce hair oil, which, according to Dr. Soto on Telemadrid, is necessary for the shine and lubrication of the hair.
Although we all have these sebaceous glands near the hair follicles, they do not act in the same way. In the same way that there are straight, curly and wavy hair, we also find differences in terms of the oil generated on the scalp and, therefore, in the need to wash it more or less often.
This is why, as Dr. Soto commented on Telemadrid, there is no specific frequency for washing your hair, but it will depend on the particular needs of each person: there are people who will require daily washing to avoid weakening the follicle due to an accumulation of sebum, while in others, once a week will be enough to avoid drying it out.
As we mentioned previously, not all people secrete the same levels of sebum. There are those who regulate this oil more efficiently and hardly have that sensation of dirty hair, while others have sebaceous glands that produce a greater amount of sebum, giving the sensation of getting their hair dirty more quickly. This is what mainly determines whether the hair is more or less oily.
Another of the hair myths discussed in Juntos de Telemadrid was Parabens are chemical compounds that are integrated into hair products, among others, for their preservation. One of the most frequent doubts regarding them is whether it is advisable to use shampoos with parabens. The truth is that they do not pose a health risk as such, so they can be used without major inconvenience. However, in certain cases they have been seen to have triggered dermatitis and allergic reactions and, according to Dr. Soto on Telemadrid, traces of parabens have even been seen in biopsies performed on patients with breast cancer.
Finally, Dr. Soto solved the great mystery about the supposed hair loss caused by washing your hair. As she assured, it is not true that washing your hair makes it fall out more, but rather that it helps the hair that was already going to fall out to fall out. Normally, hair loses an average of 100-150 hairs daily due to the hair's own life cycle in which the hair falls out to make way for a new one.
Hair loss? In Hospital Capilar We have effective hair treatments to stop hair loss. Request your medical diagnosis at no cost and put yourself in the hands of professionals.
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