Woman lying in bed
5th October 2023

Lupus and hair loss: Is there a relationship?

The development of certain diseases can cause hair loss and even alopecia. Among the conditions that are usually the reason for consultation is lupus. It is a disease that tends to affect women to a greater extent and that, on occasions, hair loss has been reported. But, Is there really a relationship between lupus and hair loss? How does lupus affect hair follicles?

From Hospital Capilar, hair clinic in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you to what extent lupus and hair loss are related and how to act in each case. Next!

What is lupus?

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that mostly affects women between the ages of 20 and 40. The immune system of lupus patients attacks healthy tissues causing inflammation and even organ damage.

The exact causes of this disease are unknown, although it is thought to be mainly influenced by the person's genetic predisposition, as well as other factors such as stress or certain medications. The symptoms of lupus vary between patients, although flare-ups usually include fatigue, muscle pain, skin rashes, swelling of the legs and feet, and fever, among others.

Lupus and hair loss: are they related?

Although not everyone experiences it, doctors from Hospital Capilar They assure that there is a relationship between lupus and hair loss. Hair loss is even associated as one of the symptoms of lupus and, mainly, this occurs due to the inflammation caused by this disease.

When we talk about lupus and hair loss, there are different types of hair loss that can be temporary or, in the case of destruction of the hair follicle, permanent. In any case, it is important to go to a specialist doctor at the first symptoms to receive the most appropriate treatment in each case.

Loss of capillary density

Hair loss from lupus can manifest as a loss of density. That is, the patient perceives that the number of hairs that fall per day increases. It should be remembered that it is usual for us to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. If it does not accompany with bald areas, the usual thing is that the hair comes out again.

hair thinning

Lupus can also cause hair thinning, that is, it becomes thinner. Damage to hair follicles can cause the follicles to atrophy resulting in thinning hair.

Appearance of bald patches

The relationship between lupus and hair loss can manifest as a scarring alopecia. In these cases, the hair follicles become inflamed and destroyed, generating bald spots. These patches usually have a rounded appearance and, although this does not happen in all cases, they are accompanied by scar tissue. When this happens, the hair will no longer come out.

What to do in case of hair loss due to lupus?

At the first symptoms of hair loss due to lupus, it is important to go to a doctor so that the professional can assess our particular case and recommend the best treatment in each case. The usual thing is to recommend drugs to stabilize the lupus and, once the outbreak is controlled, hair loss is reduced.

In cases where the hair no longer grows back, the possibility of performing a hair graft to recover lost hair. It is essential that a specialist doctor assess your case and determine the feasibility of the intervention or treatment. capillary treatment more recommended.

Expert health team in hair implants Hospital Capilar Murcia

Do you notice unusual hair loss? Check in Hospital Capilar!

If you notice that your hair is falling out more or you even appreciate bald spots, don't let it pass you by and consult in Hospital Capilar. We have adapted hair treatments and we are experts in hair grafting in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra. Request your medical diagnosis at no cost and put yourself in expert hands!
