Woman with snow in her hair

December 30th 2021

Snow on hair: is it harmful?

With the arrival of winter and the drop in temperatures we can notice that our hair suffers. Sudden changes in temperature or the arrival of storms such as snowfall may be some of the reasons. In this sense, Is snow on the hair harmful? At blog de Hospital Capilar We give you all the information about it.

In the same way that it is common to experience intense hair loss in autumn, the change to the colder season of the year also has its consequences on the hair. Therefore, it is advisable to know the effects of snow or cold and to know how to avoid its capillary effects.

Is snow on your hair bad?

When it snows heavily or we practice sports such as skiing or snowboarding, it is very common to notice that our hair is not in good condition. Exposing ourselves to the snow repeatedly and for long periods of time can damage our hair.

Snow is basically frozen water. Our doctors indicate that the cold causes the blood vessels in the scalp to not dilate enough, to contract and, consequently, the nutrients that our hair needs to be in the best condition do not reach. This makes the hair drier and loses vitality. It is even possible to experience increased hair loss for this same reason. Additionally, on sunny days where the snow reflects the sun excessively, hair is more exposed to damage.

Ultimately, snow on hair can be harmful to hairAlthough it is not one of the main harmful factors for the hair, we must know that we can weaken its structure if we do not take care of the hair correctly after prolonged exposure in the snow. 

woman wearing hoodie spreading her arm near trees with snows

How to protect ourselves from the effects of snow on our hair?

In the same way that it is possible protect hair from heatWe can also follow a series of recommendations to reduce the effects of snow on the hair.

Wearing hats

The main thing to protect ourselves from the snow is to wear a hat that protects us from the cold. In this way we will maintain body heat for longer.

Another way is to use the hoods as a hat, tucking the hair that falls inside the coat or jacket. In this way, the hair will be in contact with the snow as little as possible.

Eat a balanced diet  

It is very important to take care of our diet if what we want is to show off healthy and strong hair. The daily supply of nutrients is essential to guarantee a correct functioning of the scalp. Feeding and hair loss They are related, so we have to feed ourselves properly.

Legumes, meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, nuts and eggs are the main foods that we must consume to avoid a deficit of nutrients that affects the hair. This is due to the great contribution of antioxidants, vitamin B5, biotin, vitamin B6 and fatty acids of the foods mentioned above.

Caring for your hair with effective products

Using effective hair products helps to improve the condition of the hair. Good use of shampoos and masks is key to looking healthy and strong.

patient area of Hospital Capilar Madrid

En Hospital Capilar we take care of your hair

Keeping hair in the best condition is sometimes not an easy task. In Hospital Capilar We have treatments with which to strengthen and care for the hair. Request your first completely free diagnosis and put yourself in the best hands.



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