Hair transplantation is the most effective solution to treat baldness and recover hair lost due to alopecia. When hair loss is such that it gives way to areas without hair, it is important to go to a hair clinic and not let it pass, otherwise, we could end up being a case of unfit for a hair transplant. But what does it mean to be unfit for a hair implant? In which cases can a hair transplant not be performed? What alternatives are there?
From Hospital Capilar, hair clinic in Spain experts in hair grafting in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you everything you need to know about being unfit for a hair graft.
Not everyone can have a hair implant, since there are certain cases in which said intervention is not viable, mainly because the results would not be adequate. In this way, It is essential a medical evaluation prior to the hair implant with which the medical team determines the viability of the hair implant.
The hair transplant doctors they take into account a series of aspects of the patient to consider the viability of the hair implant, such as their degree of alopecia, general health, expectations and hair quality. When it is established that the patient is not suitable for a hair transplant, it means that said person will not be able to undergo the intervention for a specific reason.
Although it depends on each particular case, there are certain factors that prevent a successful hair transplant. In these cases, the medical team determines that the patient is not suitable for a hair graft.
Alopecia in men is measured by what is known as Hamilton-Norwood scale while, in women, the Ludwig scale. Both contemplate the different degrees of alopecia depending on the pattern of hair loss, which is different between men and women.
One of the most frequent cases to receive an unfit in a hair graft is that the degree of alopecia is very advanced. When the donor zone of the patient does not reach to completely cover the hairless area, or receiving area, it is not feasible to carry out the intervention since the results would not be as expected. This is why it is important to go to a hair clinic before the first signs of baldness.
Another of the reasons why we could be unsuitable in a hair transplant is the development of a scalp disease. In these cases, if the medical evaluation is favorable because the degree of alopecia is acceptable, the usual thing is not to cancel the surgery but to postpone it until the scalp is once again in optimal health conditions. This is common in cases of seborrheic dermatitis o Psoriasis.
The capillary graft consists of extracting hair from the donor area, the one that is not affected by alopecia, to implant it in the recipient area. When the hair that has to be extracted is not of good quality, the result of the hair implant could not be as expected. Poor quality hair is mainly considered when it is too fine or exists hair miniaturization.
In cases of miniaturized hair due to a androgenic alopecia, it can be recovered with hair treatments. When this happens, the medical team considers the option of opting for treatment as hair mesotherapy and/or Platelet Rich Plasma and, once the hair has thickened, proceed with the hair graft.
If the alopecia is not stabilized with medical treatment, the hair that is implanted in the recipient area will fall again. We must not forget that alopecia is a chronic disease that requires treatment to stop hair loss..
When the alopecia is not stabilized, the patient is not suitable for a hair graft until it is under control. If the medical treatment is favourable, the medical team returns to study the feasibility of the hair implant.
To know if we are suitable or not suitable for a hair graft, it is essential to request a medical diagnosis. Medical assessment is the best way to know if we are good candidates for a hair implant. In Hospital Capilar the medical diagnosis does not imply any cost and you can do it both in person at one of our hair clinics in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, or remotely.
The truth is that hair grafting is currently the only way to recover hair that has fallen due to alopecia. This is why it is essential that, at the first signs of baldness, go to a hair clinic in Spain before it is too late.
When the alopecia has advanced enough and we receive a hair transplant failure and the treatment is not going to be enough, the last option is to resort to hair simulation techniques such as micropigmentation or the use of hair fibers.
En Hospital Capilar you will find a team of hair implant doctors who will respond to your needs. Request your hair diagnosis at no cost and take the step to change hands from experts in the sector.
Sanitary Reg. No. Pontevedra: C-36-003121 Sanitary Reg. No. Madrid: C517593 Sanitary Reg. No. Murcia: 40004094
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