Man with a lack of density in the beard

November 25th 2021

Why doesn't hair grow on the beard?

Sometimes having a thick, dense beard is more difficult than you might think. There are men who, much more often than we think, do not develop a full beard for various reasons. Are you interested in knowing why doesn't hair grow on the beard? All the information in our blog!

Reasons why hair does not grow in the beard

Trendy fashions and outfits come and go. However, it seems that sporting a full and well-groomed beard is a fashion that is here to stay. More and more men are spending time take care of the beard correctly, they go to barbershops and show off flawless facial hair. But why doesn't beard hair grow in certain men? We give you the keys!

Genetic factor

As with many other aspects, genetics play a very important role in the development of the beard. Depending on this genetic component, a person will have thicker or finer facial hair, in greater quantity or with little or no density.

One's genetics play a key role in beard growth. Our doctors establish that genes are linked to androgens, determining how much of them each person will have. These hormones are responsible, among others, for the growth of facial hair. Therefore, the genetic component is one of the answers to why hair does not grow on the beard.

Development of alopecia areata

Another reason that can explain why hair does not come out in the beard is the development of a hair pathology, such as alopecia areata.

It is one of the types of alopecia of autoimmune origin, that is, it it is the immune system itself that attacks the hair follicles causing them to fall. To a greater extent, it usually has effects on the hair, but those who suffer from alopecia areata can also have hairless areas on the beard or even on the eyebrows. In cases where the lack of facial hair occurs in the form of patches, it is very likely that we have developed alopecia areata. In these cases, it is highly recommended to go to an expert doctor to determine which is the best option in each case. 

man crossing both arms


If we wonder why hair does not grow in the beard too soon, calm, we probably have not developed it yet. As a general rule, men develop facial hair between the ages of 18 and 30.

Hormonal factor

In the same way that genetics is related to beard growth, so is the hormonal system.

When men do not have adequate levels of testosterone and these are below normal, the growth of facial hair can be affected. However, this is usually accompanied by other types of symptoms such as irritability, fatigue and even lack of sexual desire.

Beard implant, the definitive solution to the lack of facial hair

As mentioned, there are several factors that determine whether we get more beard or less. However, all those men who do not have enough beard and want to gain more density, currently have a solution.

With the beard graft It is possible to redensify those areas of the beard that lack hair. The intervention is minimally invasive and outpatient, and the definitive results are given one year after the surgery.

The beard graft consists of the extraction of the follicular units, where the hairs are contained, from the lower area of ​​the neck to later implant them in the area of ​​the beard to be treated. This is carried out after diagnosis and design, so the patient will have the desired beard shape as long as the medical team agrees in terms of physiognomy.

operating room area Hospital Capilar Madrid dedicated to hair transplant

Your beard graft on Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar we are experts in hair medicine. We have a qualified and highly experienced medical team with which you will obtain the best results. Request your diagnosis at no cost and put yourself in the best hands. 



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