Pill against alopecia areata
June 15th, 2023

New pill against alopecia areata: All the information!

From Hospital Capilar, hair transplant clinic in Spain with offices in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we want to echo some very good news. They have already approved the new pill against alopecia areata.

It is the first time that an effective drug has been discovered against the effects of this type of alopecia, which was complex to stabilize. Even patients with alopecia areata were not candidates for a capillary graft to recover their hair, since it could fall out again in the event of new outbreaks. Is this pill the cure for alopecia areata? 

What is alopecia areata?

To put us in context, the alopecia areata is a type of alopecia of autoimmune origin. This means that it is the person's own immune system that attacks the hair follicles causing their destruction. It is a hair loss that affects both men and women, and can develop at any age.

Until then, there was no treatment or cure as such that could reduce the effects caused by alopecia areata. There are drugs to stabilize it, but patients with this disease they were not suitable for hair grafting, since the implanted hair could fall out again. Although the examination of a medical professional is required for its diagnosis, we can identify alopecia areata by its characteristic symptoms.

Very localized hair loss

Unlike what happens with androgenetic alopecia, the areata causes the hair loss in very focused areas of the scalp. The result is the appearance of bald patches around the head.

Appearance of pustules

It does not always happen, but pustules can also appear on the scalp that are itchy and stinging.

Lack of density in eyebrows and beard

Alopecia areata not only affects the scalp, but can also appear bald beard for this type of condition, and even in the eyebrows. 

Hair implant operating room in Hospital Capilar

What does the new pill against alopecia areata consist of?

As we mentioned before, there was no cure as such for this type of alopecia. However, the US drug agency has approved a new pill against alopecia areata manufactured by an American pharmaceutical company.

It is a drug known as baricitinib. It is a Janus kinase inhibitor aimed at treating inflammatory diseases. This new pill against alopecia areata, in its two clinical trials, has obtained very good results. Specifically, around 40% of people with this type of alopecia who took this drug recovered 80% of the hair.

Operation of the pill for alopecia areata

The new pill against alopecia areata blocks the patient's immune system, preventing it from attacking the hair follicles and destroying them. This is achieved by blocking the activity of specific enzymes, preventing the inflammatory process characteristic of alopecia areata from occurring.

The dose that has allowed to recover 80% of the hair of the people subjected to the clinical trial was 4 milligrams. The rest took a lower dose, who also recovered capillary density, or were given a placebo. Could it be considered the new remedy against alopecia areata? Perhaps, what is clear is that science and medicine continue to make giant strides in terms of hair.

Hair graft with mixed FUE and FUE technique DHI

Hair loss? In Hospital Capilar we can help you

Unusual hair loss can be caused by many factors but, in any case, the key to treating it is a good medical diagnosis. In Hospital Capilar you will find a medical team of professionals with whom to take care of your hair. 



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