Woman resting her head on a man's shoulder

What are the first signs of baldness?

The fear of suffering from it makes many people wonder what the first signs of baldness are in order to detect it in time and to try to avoid or delay its effects on the hair. But what are they?

Alopecia is unusual hair loss. This can affect the scalp or other parts of the body where hair or hair is present, such as the eyelashes, eyebrows, beard and others.

Next, we tell you all the information you should know about it. Remember that this article is merely informative and in no way serves to make a self-diagnosis.

First signs of alopecia

How many types of alopecia are there and what are their causes

Alopecia is a problem that affects both men and women indistinctly, however, there is a higher percentage of cases in men. Before talking about the first signs of baldness, here we tell you what are the types of alopecia that exist.

  • Androgenetic alopecia: It is the most common type of alopecia and affects more than 95% of people who suffer from alopecia. It is usually more common in men and begins between the ages of 30 and 40, although there are also cases of people who begin to suffer it at an earlier age. It usually begins with the entrances and the crown in the case of men and in women there is a more general loss of density.
  • Diffuse alopecia: This is a type of alopecia in which the hair falls out in a generalized and progressive way. It is necessary to take sides in the fight against this type of alopecia as soon as possible to be able to carry out a hair graft, since in the long run the hair weakens until it falls and does not grow back.
  • Alopecia areata: This type of alopecia affects around 2% of the population affected by hair loss. The age at which areata begins to occur is around 20 years old. The causes are usually stress, psychological factors or that are hereditary. However, hair usually grows back once the problem that caused it disappears.
  • Scarring alopecia: This occurs after having suffered an illness or accident that causes the scalp tissue to be damaged and the follicles to be destroyed.
  • Fibrosing alopecia: This is an alopecia that usually affects women and is very common to occur at the time of menopause, losing hair little by little from the front and side to the back, as if we were dragging with a headband. It is a type of scarring alopecia.

Types of alopecia

First signs of baldness

Losing a few hairs a day is not something we have to worry about excessively, especially if we take into account that, on average, a person who does not suffer from alopecia loses between 50 to 100 hairs a day.

However, the problem begins when those hairs that we usually lose, no longer grow back as they used to.

So what are those early warning signs of baldness?

Loss greater than normal

When the fall that our hair presents begins to be much more pronounced and we notice that  we far exceed 100 hairs lost per day, we must begin to pay attention to the progress of our alopecia, in case it turns out to be what causes that fall.

Capillary density decreases

Among the first signs of baldness, it is important to look at the density. The capillary density begins to decrease and we see how the scalp begins to lighten. This can occur on the crown of the head, the entrances, or the top of the head, among others.

If we see that we begin to see more and more the scalp between our hair, it means that the hair that falls out is no longer growing again.

Pathologies such as dermatitis may appear

It is possible that before the appearance of alopecia we begin to notice sensitivity, pain, itching or other discomfort that denotes that there is a skin problem.

Our hair warns us that something is wrong

If the hair begins to be greasier than normal or we warn of the appearance of dandruff, we may be starting with a problem of alopecia, since this type of fact causes hair loss.

First signs of baldness

Factors that influence when suffering alopecia

Alopecia can be caused by various causes, in addition to hormonal factors, we can suffer it due to a poor diet, taking medications or diseases.

In addition to showing you the first signs of baldness, we tell you what factors influence it.

Hereditary factors

With age, both men and women tend to lose more hair. It is not usually caused by diseases, but by genetics the passage of time gives way to alopecia.

Problems like stress

Stress, both physical and emotional, can be the cause of hair loss. It can appear in the form of bald spots or even appear in a much more pronounced way.

Diet also influences

It is important that, as for the care of the rest of our body, we take care of the diet in order to keep our hair healthy. An unbalanced diet that is poor in minerals and nutrients can weaken our hair to the point of causing it to fall.

Be careful with the use of shampoo

It is important that we look at the ingredients of the hair products we use since, on many occasions, the products with which we "take care" of our hair can be counterproductive for the scalp, causing, in the long run, a weakening of the hair.

Factors that promote hair loss

Treatments to help curb alopecia

En Hospital Capilar We have various treatments that help our hair to stay strong and healthy, preventing hair loss and helping to stop alopecia if it has already made an appearance.

On the other hand, the HRT or Hair Redensification Treatment, It is a series of pharmacotherapy microinfiltrations that helps to stop hair loss, prevents miniaturization and improves its condition.

In addition, we also have the Carboxitherapy, treatment that helps hair regeneration and hair condition.

En Hospital Capilar we can help you

If you still have doubts about what may be happening with your hair and you need more information about alopecia, the treatments you can undergo or the hair graft to opt for a more definitive solution, we will be happy to assist you and make you part of the one you already have. It is the Capillary Revolution.

Blonde woman looking straight ahead while smiling

Your hair diagnosis at no cost

Do you notice a greater hair loss than usual and are you looking for a solution to your case? In Hospital Capilar We will be happy to assist you and indicate the best solution in a personalized way.



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