Enriched plasma thanks to capillary PRP in Madrid
April 7th 2023

Hair PRP in Madrid: price, procedure and benefits

Comprehensive hair treatment is the order of the day. Showing off healthy, nourished and dense hair is the goal of more and more men and women. Consultations in hair clinics in Madrid in this regard have increased considerably, as well as the demand for certain hair treatments. Hair PRP in Madrid is one of the most popular treatments mainly because of the benefits it brings to the hair and because it is a non-invasive technique.

From Hospital Capilar, hair transplant clinic in Madrid, we tell you everything you need to know about hair PRP in Madrid: price, how the process is, as well as the benefits of this hair treatment. 

What is hair PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is a hair medical treatment oriented to deep hair care. It is a technique that requires qualified medical personnel for its realization, so you should go to a hair clinic. There are no associated side effects since it is the patient's own blood that is used to perform the hair treatment.

Hair PRP is recommended for both men and women, mainly who suffer from moderate hair loss for various reasons, although it is also used to thicken hair and make it visibly healthier. In addition, it serves as a complement to hair graft favoring tissue healing and making new hair grow stronger and healthier. The number of sessions necessary to achieve visible results will depend on the previous medical diagnosis..

It is a technique that is performed on an outpatient basis in the hair clinic and lasts approximately 20 minutes. The capillary PRP process in Madrid consists of several stages.  

Blood draw

The first thing that is carried out in a Platelet Rich Plasma is the extraction of blood from the patient. A small amount is required and it is not necessary for the patient to come fasting for treatment.

spin process

Once the blood has been extracted from the patient, it is subjected to a centrifugation process. In this way, it is possible to separate the plasma with rich growth factors from the rest of the blood components. This spin process usually lasts about 15 minutes, hence the capillary PRP lasts approximately 20 minutes. 

Application of PRP on the scalp

Once the platelet-rich plasma is obtained, it is injected subdermally into the scalp. This phase is practically painless and short-lived, and with it the capillary PRP is completed. 

Hair treatment without surgery

Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma on hair

The increase in consultations about hair PRP in Madrid is mainly due to the benefits that this hair treatment brings to the hair.

Strengthens the hair

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a good capillary regenerator since it allows direct infiltration into the scalp of factors rich in plasma growth. Thus stronger and visibly healthier hair is achieved.

Stops hair loss

In relation to the above, capillary PRP is a great ally to stop hair loss. It is effective in diagnostics telogen effluvia caused by seasonal fallas well as by Stress, among others. In addition, it is also effective in cases of androgenic alopecia when combined with drugs and other types of medical treatments.

Promotes hair growth

PRP promotes hair growth and hair regeneration. By applying rich growth factors directly to the scalp, hair grows stronger and healthier.

Advantages of performing capillary PRP in Madrid

If you want to perform hair PRP in Madrid, it is essential to go to an expert hair clinic with a qualified medical team, since it is not a treatment that anyone can perform. Currently there are many hair clinics that we can find in Madrid with this type of treatment, and choosing the capital to carry it out has a series of advantages.

You avoid unnecessary trips

If we live in the capital or its surroundings, opting for hair PRP in Madrid will save us unnecessary trips. The comfort of having good professionals nearby who guarantee results and provide confidence during the process is a great advantage.

Recognized industry professionals

As we have previously mentioned, in Madrid we have a large number of hair clinics within our reach. We have great professionals in the sector with whom we can achieve results that meet expectations.

Personalized medical follow-up

The proximity to the hair clinic makes hair PRP in Madrid a very good option. Although Platelet Rich Plasma is performed on an outpatient basis, regular check-ups are usually needed to see the results, in addition to going on various occasions to receive several sessions. Receiving personalized follow-up close to home will make the process more comfortable and satisfying.

Hair PRP price in Madrid: What is the right one?

It is important to know the price of capillary PRP in Madrid when deciding where to perform this treatment. To know precisely the investment that we must make in Platelet Rich Plasma a prior medical assessment is required in which the number of sessions required is determined to deal with the problem in question.

Since it is not usual to opt for a single session, it is usual for hair PRP to be offered in Madrid through vouchers. Thus, this treatment can cost from 200 euros for a single session to 1.000 euros in bonuses for more sessions.

hair diagnosis room Hospital Capilar Madrid

En Hospital Capilar we take care of your hair

En Hospital Capilar We have effective hair treatments such as hair PRP in Madrid. With an expert medical team, we carry out a personalized follow-up to achieve strengthened and dense hair. Request your medical diagnosis at no cost and take the step!



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