As with the rest of the skin, diseases also develop on the scalp that can affect the proper functioning of the hair follicles. Scalp psoriasis is one of them, which affects many people today. Could you detect it?
In the blog de Hospital Capilar, a clinic specialized in hair implants in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you everything you need to know about psoriasis on the scalp. What are your symptoms? What factors trigger it? Do you have a cure?
Psoriasis is defined as a disease of the skin, autoimmune and chronic, which can affect different parts of the body such as elbows, knees and scalp. A person with this pathology develops localized scaly spots that are itchy and stinging.
It can affect both men and women of different ages, even children, although it is not as common. It occurs with outbreaks, that is, it is not a permanent disease, but when the ideal conditions are met in people with psoriasis, reddish plaques appear. These outbreaks can last for weeks or even months. It is not a contagious dermatological disease, so it is not possible to transmit psoriasis on the scalp from a person who suffers from it to a healthy one.
The factors that influence the development of psoriasis on the scalp are still not exactly known. Of course, it is known that it is the person's immune system that causes skin cells to multiply at high speed and, consequently, dead cells are not removed properly and begin to accumulate on the scalp. This is what gives rise to the characteristic scaly areas of psoriasis.
As we commented, it is the person's own immune system that is the main cause of psoriasis on the scalp. By increasing the rate of cell formation, the elimination process is slowed down, causing the reddish, scaly patches.
There are certain studies that link psoriasis on the scalp with genetic inheritance. Therefore, those people who have a family member with this disease are more likely to develop it.
It is not a cause of psoriasis as such, but it is a factor that can trigger an outbreak or worsening of symptoms. It is clear the relationship between stress and hair loss, but apparently it also has links with this scalp disease.
As with stress, both infections and skin injuries can worsen or cause an outbreak of psoriasis on the scalp.
The symptoms of psoriasis on the scalp are very characteristic but, yes, we should not confuse them with a seborrheic dermatitis or ringworm, as they can be similar. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of psoriasis, although in any case it is advisable to see a specialist.
The main symptom is the appearance of focal patches where the skin is extremely dry, scaly and usually reddish in color.
Those who develop psoriasis suffer from itching, burning and stinging in the areas where the outbreaks appear. It is important, in this sense, not to scratch as this could damage the skin of the scalp, even affecting the hair follicles.
In those areas where the skin is affected, hair falls out, usually caused by the person themselves scratching. Our medical equipment establishes that, normally, this hair loss it is temporary and comes back once the disease is over.
Nowadays there is no cure as such for scalp psoriasis. However, there are effective treatments to reduce its effects and discomfort. Of course, it is important that a specialist doctor determines which treatment is best to follow depending on each particular case.
We can resort to topical or oral medications, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Salicylic acid and clobetasol propionate are usually compounds that come in handy for treating psoriasis on the scalp.
One of the great concerns of people who suffer from psoriasis on the scalp is the hair loss they suffer in the affected area. As we have mentioned before, this hair loss is reversible and temporary in which the hair follicles are not usually destroyed, so the hair will grow back. In this sense, hair implantation is not usually necessary.
However, when faced with hair loss that is accompanied by bald areas where hair does not grow, it is essential to receive a capillary diagnosis by hand medical specialists to determine what treatment or method to follow, in addition to the origin of that alopecia.
En Hospital Capilar We have an expert medical team to advise you in case of unusual hair loss. Ask us for information and get your free hair diagnosis!
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