Intervention of a capillary micrograft

What is a capillary micrograft?

Baldness is a problem that affects many men and women around the world and, in this sense, hair grafting is presented as the definitive method to recover lost hair. The natural results offered by this technique have led more and more people to request information about hair transplants. There are several terms that we can find during this search process and that refer to hair grafting. One of them is the capillary micrograft, but what is a capillary micrograft really? Are there differences between the capillary micrograft and the capillary graft?

The capillary micrograft is a minimally invasive outpatient surgery. In it, it is possible to recover the hair that has stopped growing naturally due to some capillary pathology.

The process consists of extracting the follicular units from the donor area, the one that is not affected by alopecia. Subsequently, these are grafted in the area with baldness and in approximately 1 year the definitive results of the hair transplant can be seen.

Differences between hair micrograft and hair graft

As we can verify and after knowing what the capillary micrograft is, this term is used indistinctly to refer to the hair implant. Therefore, there are no substantial differences, both terms refer to the same intervention with which to recover lost hair.

In the cases in which differences can be appreciated, it is when we refer to the different types of hair graft. Depending on the method used to carry out the hair transplant, a different name will be attributed to it. Thus, we can find the hair graft with the FUE technique, the most common today due to the natural results it offers, the FUSS implant or the robotized FUE hair graft. 

How to choose from among the hair graft clinics in Murcia?

Process of a FUE capillary micrograft

The process of a capillary micrograft consists of several phases for which it is strictly necessary that it be a qualified medical team whoever does it. Thus, the patient who undergoes a capillary implant goes through several stages during his surgery.

Shaving the donor area

The first thing that is carried out is the shaving of the head. This is necessary since the hair should be approximately 1 or 2 millimeters long to facilitate its extraction and implantation.

In addition, in patients with gray hair it is necessary that dye gray hair before hair transplant. This is mainly due to the fact that gray hair at the microscopic level is undetectable, thus complicating the extraction of the necessary follicles.

Use of local anesthesia

Once the hair is shaved, local anesthesia is administered directly to the scalp. This is the most annoying phase of the hair transplant and, therefore, in Hospital Capilar we have a technology with which to considerably reduce the pain. It is the preanesthesia with which, through kinetic impulses, lidocaine is applied.

Follicular unit extraction

Once the medical team has made sure that the entire area is completely anesthetized, the follicular units are extracted. Using a micromotor punch, they are extracted individually without damaging the native hair.

Making the incisions

Once the follicles have been extracted, the surgeon in charge of the intervention makes the incisions with a scalpel. The follicular units are implanted in these cavities where, over the months, the new hair will grow.

Implantation of the follicular units in the area affected by baldness

The last step with which the capillary graft is concluded is the implantation of the follicular units itself. After finishing, the postoperative during which it is truly important to comply with all medical recommendations. In this way we will avoid possible complications and obtain the best aesthetic results.

Benefits of hair micrografting 

The main advantage of FUE hair micrografting compared to other hair treatments is the opportunity it offers to recover hair that has fallen out due to alopecia and no longer grows naturally. It is currently the only method by which hair can be grown back in bald areas. 

Another benefit of hair micrografting is that it does not leave visible scars. This allows for a natural and long-lasting aesthetic result. Furthermore, as it is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require general anesthesia or hospitalization, the patient will be able to return to their routine with relative normality, always taking into account the postoperative instructions to ensure the correct development of the implant. 

operating room corridors Hospital Capilar Madrid

Your hair implant WAS in Hospital Capilar

One of the keys that guarantees the success of a hair transplant is a correct prior diagnosis, as well as an experienced medical team. On Hospital Capilar, with offices in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we take care of all the details to achieve the best aesthetic results. Request your first diagnosis at no cost!



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