Doctor performing a capillary diagnosis on a patient
6th October 2023

Can alopecia be prevented?

It is undeniable that both internationally and in our country there is a high percentage of people with baldness, and this is indicated by the Spain alopecia index. Many men and women end up developing this irreversible hair loss, but is there a way to prevent it? Can alopecia be prevented?

En Hospital Capilar We are specialists in hair medicine and hair grafting in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra. Below in our blog We tell you if there is a possibility of preventing baldness in the future or if, on the contrary, alopecia cannot be prevented. Take note!

What do we understand by alopecia?

La alopecia It is a disease, generally genetic and hormonal, that causes imminent hair loss. This hair loss usually begins with the hair miniaturization, that is, it becomes finer and finer until it disappears. This is why more and more people choose to go to hair clinics to put a solution and recover lost hair.

This hair loss is irreversible and can affect both men and women.. In the case of men, alopecia is measured with the hamilton norwood scale, and the symptoms begin with the appearance of hairless areas on the front, that is, the entrances, and the crown. If left untreated, alopecia progresses to cover the entire head. On the other hand, in women the first effects of female alopecia are visible in the hairline, which begins to widen and lighten.

Is it possible to prevent alopecia?

Knowing the effects that alopecia has on hair, there are those who wonder if it can be prevented in some way before it happens. But can alopecia be prevented?

Alopecia as such cannot be prevented, and so the doctors from Hospital Capilar, since it is a disease that, like any other, can only be treated at the time it is suffered. Being normally of genetic and hormonal origin, it is not possible to avoid it. Of course, we can incorporate good habits into our routine that help our hair to be in the best conditions, such as practicing sports daily or following a good nutrition.

Although alopecia cannot be prevented, yes it can be reversed and stabilized. For this, it is advisable to take into account several points for the moment in which we notice an unusual hair loss that accompanies a lack of density and areas without hair. 

Hair mesotherapy in Spain

Go to an expert hair clinic

before first signs of baldness, it is important to go to a trusted hair clinic. Thus, we will receive a personalized capillary diagnosis with which the medical team will be able to determine how to act in each case. In Hospital Capilar Diagnosis with our medical team is free.

Opt for adapted hair treatments

As we mentioned, alopecia cannot be avoided but it can be treated, reversed and stabilized. For this it is essential that let's not let it go too far, since in cases where the degree of alopecia is very high nothing can be done.

Currently there are hair treatments with proven medical efficacy that stop hair loss and thicken the hair that has not yet fallen. In Hospital Capilar we have the Capillary Regeneration Treatment, or CRT, and Hair Redensification Treatment, or HRT.

Hair transplant in Spain, the solution to baldness

Hair treatments are highly effective in slowing down the progression of alopecia and achieving better quality hair. However, the only way to recover hair lost due to alopecia is with the FUE hair transplant.

It is an outpatient procedure, minimally invasive, in which the follicles that contain the hair are extracted from the area that is not affected by baldness, and are implanted in the area to be treated. We will be able to appreciate the definitive results once the first year after surgery has elapsed, although the first changes can be seen after 6 months. It leaves no visible scars and the results are natural. 

Design of a capillary implant in Hospital Capilar

Hair loss? Check in Hospital Capilar

Faced with unusual hair loss that is accompanied by a lack of density or the appearance of bald spots, it is essential to go to an expert hair clinic for advice. In Hospital Capilar You can receive your diagnosis at no cost, both in person and remotely. Ask us!



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