Man with alopecia looking at his hairline in a mirror

What is Shock Loss after a hair transplant?

When performing this type of intervention, one of the questions that most often arise is what really is Shock Loss after a hair transplant. Why suddenly, a month, the hair falls out?

Many patients call this effect "the desert season" as it is a time when grafted hair, and even native hair, falls out practically completely. Don't worry, once this phase is finished, the hair will grow normally.

What is Shock Loss after a hair transplant? In this article we give you all the information about it.

What is Shock Loss after a hair transplant?

Shock Loss, also called telogen effluvium, is a natural reaction of the body that occurs around the month of the hair transplant. At that time, the grafted hair falls, and it is also possible that the native and the part of the donor area do.

It is totally normal to experience a Shock Loss after a hair transplant, only a small percentage does not experience this situation.

The hair loss due to this telogen effluvium lasts about two weeks; thereafter, the hair will start to grow. It is an approximation, since there are people who live it in one way and others in another; it can even last longer.

Hair loss after a hair transplant


Is it worrying that there is Shock Loss after a hair graft?

Something we should know is that Shock Loss after a hair transplant is totally normal. As it is a reaction of our own body, it is normal for it to occur and once it passes, the hair will grow normally.

We know this phase of the process can be daunting, but don't worry! Once your hair is finished it will start to grow and you will be able to see little by little the results of the hair graft.

What if there is no Shock Loss after a capillary micrograft?

As we said, there are times when the dreaded Shock Loss is not experienced. In case it happens, it is not worrying that we do not see that the hair has fallen out, since it is not a sign that there is some kind of latent problem.

Telogen effluvium after a hair transplant

Results after a hair graft

After having a hair graft, our hair will go through different phases before seeing the full result. Besides knowing what is Shock Loss after a hair transplantIt is important to know what else happens during this process.

For that reason, we tell you how the complete growth process of your hair will be:

Shock Loss after a hair transplant

As we said, Shock Loss or telogen effluvium is experienced around the month of the intervention. During this process the hair will fall and then grow back normally. This phase is totally normal and should not worry us.

Half a year after a hair transplant

Six months after the intervention, the hair graft is around 50%. There is still a way to go to see the final result, but we will begin to see the first beginnings.

One year after the capillary micrograft

One year after the hair graft, the result in the frontal line is complete. In the case of having a crown hair graft performed, we will have to wait a few more months to see the result in the area, since here it takes longer to grow.

Crown results of a hair graft

Crown results after a hair graft are at 18 months. In the case of having opted for this solution, it will be then when the results are complete.

Solve all your doubts in Hospital Capilar

Whether to know what the Shock Loss after a hair transplant or resolve any doubts that may be had about this type of intervention, in Hospital Capilar we want to solve all your questions.

Through our free hair diagnosis we will be happy to see your case in a personalized way to give you an adapted solution. We will wait for you!

Shock Loss after a hair transplant

FREE capillary diagnosis

En Hospital Capilar we are specialists in hair and we will be happy to see your case in a personalized way, as well as solve all the doubts you have about the hair graft.

Do you want to tell us about your case? We will wait for you!



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