Woman looking at the ceiling

28th October 2021

What is Waardenburg syndrome ?: Causes and symptoms

Not many people suffer from this syndrome, but those who develop it do not go unnoticed. Eyes of an intense electric blue or strands of white hair are some of the symptoms with which a person can be identified with the Waardenburg syndrome. But, what does this affectation really consist of and what is its origin?

Here we tell you everything you need to know about this syndrome, as well as the consequences it can have on the hair.

What is Waardenburg syndrome?

Waardenburg syndrome is defined as a disorder that can be of different degrees depending on the intensity of the symptoms that you develop. It is hereditary in nature, so it is enough for one of the parents to have the gene for their offspring to develop it.

It is not a common syndrome, but it is true that people who have it tend to attract attention since it has very noticeable effects on a physical level. In this way, people with Waardenburg syndrome usually have a very intense electric blue color, in addition to some slight facial deformations. They can also suffer from alterations in the pigmentation of the skin and hair, and deafness. However, the symptoms vary depending on the degree of evolution that each person has of this syndrome.

All the effects related to this pathology are due to the fact that the neural crest is affected.

Causes of Waardenburg syndrome

Waardenburg syndrome is hereditary, so the main cause that originates it is due to genetic factors. The person carrying the gene transmits it to their descendants with a probability of 50%, since this inheritance is defined as autosomal dominant. 

woman under white cloth

Effects and symptoms 

As we have commented, the symptoms derived from Waardenburg syndrome can be seen with the naked eye. It can also have effects on the hair, in fact they are the ones that are most often developed.

The effects that this pathology has on the hair is what is known as poliosis or depigmentation of hair. Both men and women who have the gene they usually have a completely white lock of hair or, in other cases, they develop premature gray hair.

All this happens because melanin is no longer produced at the root, so the new hair that emerges comes out without pigment and, consequently, white. This is because stem cells contained in Hair follicles die from the development of Waarbendurg syndrome.

Poliosis is not serious, although it is advisable to go to a specialist doctor in these cases since it could be some other disease that does require more exhaustive medical control.

Does Waardenburg syndrome have a cure?

Waardenburg syndrome it has no cure in itself. However, people who suffer from it can lead a completely normal life if they receive treatment according to their case.

In any case, it must be a doctor who determines how to act at all times.

Hospital Capilar Madrid

En Hospital Capilar we take care of your hair health

If you notice that your hair is not in the best condition or you are going through an intense hair loss, contact us! You can request your diagnosis at no cost and put yourself in expert hands. 



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