Sanitary applying anesthesia in a capillary graft
February 6th 2025

Advantages and disadvantages of hair grafting

Hair transplantation is currently the only method by which it is possible to have hair again in the areas where it fell due to alopecia. The rest of the techniques such as micropigmentation or hair prostheses only simulate hair. This is why more and more men and women with alopecia go to hair clinics in Spain to request information about this method. In this sense, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of hair grafting to know everything that involves having a hair transplant. From Hospital Capilar, a clinic specialized in hair grafting in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you what are the main advantages and disadvantages of hair grafting, the procedure and the results offered by this technique.

What is a hair graft?

El hair graft It is a minimally invasive surgery that is performed on an outpatient basis. It consists of extracting Hair follicles healthy from the donor zone, the one that is not affected by alopecia, to implant them in the receiving area, or area with baldness. It is a procedure that usually lasts between 6 and 8 hours, depending on the number of follicular units to be implanted. It is performed by qualified health personnel and requires a prior medical assessment to determine the viability of the hair graft, as well as an estimate of the number of follicles to be extracted.

To perform the hair transplant, the staff shaves the hair leaving it with a length of approximately 2 millimeters. This is necessary in order to perform the follicular unit extraction easily. applies Anesthesia local, And in Hospital Capilar also the pre-anesthesia to reduce the pain of the anesthesia itself, and the follicles are extracted one by one with a micromotor punch. After extraction, they are placed in Petri dishes for better preservation. The surgeon then makes incisions in the recipient area where the extracted follicles are finally implanted, from which the new hair will grow.

Advantages of a hair implant

The high demand for hair transplants with FUE technique, the most widespread currently, is mainly due to a series of advantages and benefits for the patient.

Many types of alopecia but the most common is that of hormonal and genetic origin known as androgenetic alopecia. This occurs in both men and women and causes the destruction of hair follicles, that is, the hair that falls does not come back. When this happens, the hair transplant is presented as the only method to recover that lost hair, the main advantage for which so many patients go to hair clinics. However, there are also another series of advantages to lean towards hair grafting as a solution to baldness.

minimally invasive surgery

Although it is a surgical intervention, it is not invasive. Nor does it require hospitalization or general anesthesia, only local, so that at the end of the surgery the patient can return home normally.

Leaves no visible scars

Thanks to the FUE technique, no visible scars are left, unlike what happened with the fuss technique where a strip of scalp was removed, leaving a scar in the donor area. By extracting the follicular units one by one with a micromotor punch, the scar on the skin is minimal and does not leave marks when the donor area is healed. Therefore, the results are much more natural.  

Unique technique to recover hair

As we have previously commented, the FUE hair graft is the only method by which hair that has fallen due to alopecia can be recovered. The rest of the methods focus on simulating the hair, but not on recovering it as such.

Natural and long-lasting results

The hair transplant results They are natural, since it is the patient's hair that is implanted, and they are long-lasting. For this purpose, a medical follow-up is carried out and drugs and hair treatments to stabilize alopecia, since otherwise the native hair will fall even if we have had a graft. Therefore, if the patient follows all the medical recommendations, the hair will last forever.

Personalized medical follow-up

The hair transplant involves a personalized medical follow-up, so we will be under the control and supervision of a team of experienced doctors in the hair sector. This is really advantageous, since in case of developing any scalp disease or not heal properly, the doctors will provide a quick solution to avoid damaging the implanted follicles.

Therefore, there is real medical control throughout the patient's postoperative period and subsequent reviews, so it is not considered a technique that is performed and the service ends there. 

Hair graft surgery in Hospital Capilar Madrid

Disadvantages of a hair graft

Just as we emphasize the advantages of having a hair implant, it is convenient to report some drawbacks of this technique. In this way we will have a deeper knowledge of what the hair transplant involves and what it consists of.

The first days after surgery are uncomfortable

The first days after the intervention, the patient must sleep semi incorporated and with a cervical pillow that we provide in our hair clinics. In addition, it is necessary to avoid rubbing and bumps on the grafts, and we will notice certain discomforts such as itching or stinging in the intervened area. This is why the first days are usually somewhat uncomfortable.

Postoperative and long-term results

Hair grafting is not an intervention that offers immediate results. Otherwise, you have to wait until the first year of the intervention has elapsed to appreciate the final results, although it is true that the first changes can already be seen after 6 months. Therefore, one of the drawbacks of hair transplantation is the patience that we must have until we see the results and the postoperative that we must follow to achieve the best results. 

Surgical intervention

Unlike other hair simulation techniques such as prostheses or micropigmentation, hair grafting is surgery and, as such, requires some preoperative care and postoperative, in addition to having to enter the operating room.

Not all patients are suitable for hair grafting

It must be taken into account that not everyone is a suitable candidate to undergo a hair implant. A prior medical diagnosis is necessary to determine if the patient can be operated or, conversely, It is not suitable for hair grafting. This is determined based on the degree of alopecia of the patient, state of health, quality of hair and scalp, among others.

Design phase of the frontal line in a hair transplant

Your medical diagnosis at no cost in Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar our team of doctors performs the diagnosis at no cost and without obligation. Put yourself in good hands and take the step to change in our hair clinics in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra. 



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