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When to return to work after a hair implant

After a hair graft it is very important to follow the postoperative rules indicated by the team of Hospital Capilar. One of the most frequent is when you can return to work after a hair implant.

Do not worry! The truth is that the rules to follow after the intervention are relatively simple and in a short time you will be able to rejoin your usual rhythm of life without problems.

In this article we tell you everything you need to know about return to work after a hair implant, Although our team will indicate you in a personalized way and will solve all your questions to indicate in your particular case when you can return to work without causing inconvenience.

When to return to work after a hair implant

It really is not an exact figure when to return to work after a hair implant, since it depends a lot on the type of work we do. On average it is around ten days, although, as we said, it depends a lot.

For example, it is not the same if we work with a helmet as if we do it in an office. For that reason, it is so important to speak in a personalized way with our team, so that they can tell you, depending on your case, when you could rejoin.

Even so, here are some examples that can occur and what should be done depending on the type of work.

Be careful with the helmet or cap!

The helmet and cap need a reasonable amount of time to be used, as they can affect the final result of the hair graft. It is something that we must take into account in the case of carrying these elements in our working day.

If this is your case, it is best to speak directly with our team so that they can indicate when you could use the helmet or cap without problems.

Going back to work after a hair transplant

What to do in physical jobs

When they indicate the postoperative rules to follow, we will see that the sport should not be carried out until fifteen days, and that from then on it will have to be smooth and without sweating until the month. It will not be until the month that we can resume the usual exercise.

This is something that we must take into account if we do some type of work that requires a lot of physical effort, since it could be counterproductive for the result.

Do you work for the public?

Really for the public we will be able to return to work in a very short time, but we may want to wait. Around ten days after the intervention we will stop having the scabs that have formed; furthermore, in Hospital Capilar we carry out a scab wash along with a maintenance treatment session on these dates.

After this fall of scabs, we can face the public without any inconvenience.

What to do if you work outdoors

Like the previous point, if you work outdoors you should speak directly with our team so that they can indicate you in a personalized way.

You must bear in mind that at first you must avoid direct sun exposure, as well as protecting yourself from the weather such as wind, dust or rain.

If in your work you face these types of situations on a daily basis, our team will indicate to you in a personalized way when you could resume the activity without problems.

Postoperative rules of a hair graft

I have to lower my head in my work, what do I do?

During the first days of the hair graft we must bear in mind that we cannot lower our head, in general avoiding any type of sudden movement.

We will be able to resume the usual head movements in a short time, once the team that is handling our case tells us to do so.

Do you have sick leave after a hair transplant?

In addition to knowing when to return to work after a hair implant, many patients also often wonder if they are sick due to this type of intervention. Something you should know is that in this type of aesthetic interventions we do not cancel.

It is the family doctor who decides whether or not to give it in this type of case. We can offer a part if we consider that it would affect the postoperative period, but the decision must be made by your regular doctor.

What is a hair graft?

Request your diagnosis at no cost

En Hospital Capilar we offer a prior diagnosis at no cost where we will analyze your case in a personalized way to indicate the best solution to your hair problems.

Postoperative rules after a capillary micrograft

After the capillary micrograft, it is very important to follow the postoperative guidelines indicated by the team. Whether to know when to wear a cap after a hair transplant o when can we do sports, we will be happy to explain step by step what you should do.

It is very important to know and follow these postoperative rules, since they significantly influence the final result of the hair graft.

Do not worry! They are a series of easy-to-follow rules that must be followed for a short period of time, so you can soon resume your daily routine without worries.

En Hospital Capilar we are at your fingertips to answer all your questions

Do you want to tell us about your case? In Hospital Capilar We will be happy to answer all your questions and give you an adapted solution. Our goal is to offer a more comfortable experience for the patient, solving all their doubts and accompanying them throughout the process from the beginning to the end. Join the hair revolution!



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