Hair transplant doctor operating

Hair transplant doctors in Spain: The importance of a good medical team

The capillary implant is one of the most demanded surgical interventions in recent years. The direct consequence of this is the emergence of multiple hair clinics in Spain that offer, among others, hair grafting at quite affordable prices. One of the most important aspects when choosing a hair clinic is the medical team. It is highly recommended to inform us about the hair transplant doctors in Spain and we will tell you the reason for this.

Why is a good medical team important in a hair transplant?

A capillary graft is still a surgery. Yes, it is true that it does not require general anesthesia and the intervention is considered outpatient, but it is necessary for an expert medical team to perform it for various reasons.

The surgeon in charge of the capillary implant must be duly qualified in medicine and capillary surgeries. In addition, it is also important to verify that he is registered and that he has the necessary skills and knowledge to take responsibility for the intervention.

Why is it so important that hair transplant specialists are the ones who perform the transplant? Here are the keys to understand it.

Avoid bad practices

In the field of hair surgeries, as happens in aesthetic medicine, there are bad habits that can put the patient's health at risk. All these bad habits usually start from the lack of qualification of the team.

At present it is very common that those who perform infiltrated hair treatments or hair grafts do not have the minimum requirements to practice. If you do not have the necessary knowledge and techniques to perform a hair transplant or mesotherapy infiltration, for example, there is a very high percentage of chances of making mistakes during the intervention.

Greater safety during surgery

The capillary graft with the FUE technique is a surgery and requires patient monitoring to ensure their health status throughout the intervention. It is the hair transplant doctors themselves, as well as their team, who supervise and ensure the safety of the patient.

Furthermore, it is essential that the sapphire scalpel that is used during hair grafting, among other things, is managed by a doctor. It is still a tool with which a part of the body is pierced and is exclusively for medical use.

Consequently, we will experience greater security if doctors and surgeons are in charge of hair transplantation than if they are people with little qualification. In the face of any possible complication, doctors will act and take care of you. 

silhouette of a man facing the sunset

Better aesthetic results

The fact that doctors specialized in hair grafting are the ones who carry it out is a guarantee of an aesthetic result that lives up to the patient's expectations. The experience in surgeries together with the purely medical training gives them greater skill in the operating room, which has a direct impact on the result that we will obtain.

Postoperative follow-up and medical control

Once the surgery is finished, the hair graft postoperative. During this stage, strict medical regulations must be followed to avoid complications during recovery. A medical control during this process is essential to evaluate the evolution of the capillary implant. Otherwise, problems such as folliculitis putting the survival of the grafts at great risk.

Who are the best hair transplant doctors in Spain?

Determining which are the best hair transplant doctors in Spain is very relative. What for someone are remarkable qualities of a professional for another may not be relevant. However, we can take into account some aspects to opt for a hair transplant clinic or another depending on your medical team.

Results of the interventions

One of the best letters of introduction of hair transplant doctors in Spain are the actual results achieved. For this we can consult the different social networks or websites of the clinic in search of testimonies and real cases of operated patients.

Training and career

We can also consult the training, specialties and trajectory of each of the doctors. This can give us an idea of ​​the experience of the medical team that will perform the hair transplant on us.

Clicking this article You will be able to consult the different trajectories of our medical team.

Doctor Rachel Amaro de Hospital Capilar designing the recipient area of ​​a hair implant

Your hair graft with FUE technique in Hospital Capilar

En Hospital Capilar We have a great medical team duly trained and experienced in hair surgeries with which you will achieve the best results. Request your free diagnosis now and take the step to change.



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