Woman with signs of iron deficiency alopecia
5th October 2023

Iron deficiency alopecia: symptoms and treatment

Among the different types of alopecia that can be the cause of sudden hair loss, there is the one known as iron deficiency alopecia. It is one of the most common, especially among women, and produces a lack of considerable capillary density and volume. Knowing what the symptoms and treatment are, as well as why it develops, is key to putting ourselves in the hands of professionals at the first obvious signs.

From Hospital Capilar We tell you everything you need to know about iron deficiency alopecia, the second most common type of alopecia among the female population, how to identify it and what to do when the first symptoms appear.

What is iron deficiency alopecia?

Iron deficiency alopecia, also known as sideropenic, is a type of hair loss that develops when you have an iron deficiency, or anemia. When sufficient levels of iron are not reached, the production of hemoglobin is considerably reduced. It is a protein found in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the entire body, including the Hair follicles. This means that the body does not get enough oxygen and goes into anemia developing symptoms such as tiredness, shortness of breath, brittle and weak nails, as well as pale skin and dizziness.

Regarding the capillary plane, according to the doctors from Hospital Capilar Anemia or lack of iron prevents the proper functioning of hair follicles, leading to what is known as iron deficiency alopecia. Hair, like nails, begins to weaken if it does not receive sufficient levels of oxygen and nutrients. Consequently, we obtain a weaker, finer hair, without strength or volume, and leads to considerable hair loss.

Causes of iron deficiency alopecia

The cause that leads to iron deficiency alopecia is the sole and exclusive lack of iron. However, different situations can be identified by which the body goes into anemia and leads to acute hair loss.


As we have previously mentioned, iron deficiency alopecia affects both men and women, but there is a higher percentage in these. This is because women go through phases where low iron levels can occur more often, such as menstruation. Especially in women with heavy bleeding, anemia is more common.


Another factor that leads to lower iron levels is pregnancy. The woman demands more iron when she is pregnant and, on many occasions, adequate levels are not reached. Also after childbirth and the lactation period, the diagnosis and treatment of anemia being very common in women after their pregnancy.

high intensity sport

Athletes who frequently practice high-intensity sports that train with heavy loads have a higher risk of suffering from iron-deficiency alopecia. In sports such as crossfit or fitness, the body demands higher levels of iron and sometimes they are not enough. It is important to control hemoglobin levels in elite athletes since, if low levels are suffered, the muscles do not receive enough oxygen to function and, consequently, their performance will worsen.

Bad nutrition

Not following a balanced diet where we incorporate legumes, red meat and nuts, among others, can lead the body to go into a state of anemia due to a lack of iron and lead to iron deficiency alopecia. In addition, it should be noted that diet and hair loss are related and may be the origin of a telogen effluvium by not providing the body with the necessary nutrients that the hair follicles need to function properly. 

Signs of alopecia seen through a trichoscope

Symptoms of iron deficiency alopecia

Identifying the possible symptoms of iron-deficiency alopecia is key to knowing when hair falls out due to one's own hair life cycle or, on the contrary, we are facing a health problem that needs to be treated.

profuse hair loss

One of the most obvious symptoms of iron deficiency alopecia or hair loss due to lack of iron is precisely a very abrupt and considerable hair loss. It must be borne in mind that hair falls out naturally and it is common for approximately 100 hairs to fall out every day. When this number increases, it is possible that we are facing some type of alopecia that it is convenient to identify to solve it as soon as possible.

In the case of iron deficiency alopecia, the hair falls approximately two months after the iron deficiency occurs. What is known as acute telogen effluvium occurs and can last up to four months. This type of hair loss is usually reversible and it will stop with time and once the lack of iron is solved, although it can become chronic when it is not treated properly or on time.

Lower capillary density

Hair loss due to lack of iron is usually so abrupt that it accompanies a lack of hair density. The person notices that the collected ones are less voluminous and finer, in addition to noticing a smaller amount of hair. Normally this type of alopecia does not lead to the appearance of hairless areas as long as it is a telogen effluvium, but a considerable loss of density is experienced.

Less volume in the hair

The hair becomes thinner and loses volume and movement. In addition, its quality in terms of shine and texture is also reduced, which usually makes the effects of iron deficiency alopecia even more striking.

androgenic alopecia areata

The lack of iron, although it normally presents as telogen effluvium, can also aggravate incipient alopecia such as androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. In these cases, bald spots or hairless areas do occur and it is more urgent to resort to medical professionals to find a solution.

How is iron deficiency alopecia treated?

To treat iron deficiency alopecia, it is approached from different perspectives, although the fundamental thing to reduce its effects is to treat the underlying problem. Below we show you the most frequent treatments for iron deficiency alopecia.  

drugs for anemia

If after a control analysis it is verified that it is a lack of iron that produces symptoms of iron deficiency alopecia, the consumption of drugs to treat anemia is recommended. In most cases, this type of medication is enough to reduce hair loss, although once the treatment begins, the effect is not immediate and it will take a few months for the hair to return to normal.

Balanced diet rich in iron

One of the most important factors to deal with iron deficiency alopecia is the diet that we take. In these cases, we should consume foods such as legumes, red meat or nuts more frequently to naturally increase iron levels, and therefore hemoglobin, in our body.

Adapted hair treatments

By solving the basic problem, as we have mentioned, it will not be until after a while when we notice that the hair loss stops. This can be solved with medical hair treatments adapted to each patient such as Hair PRP or the hair mesotherapy. Thanks to this type of technique, the correct functioning of the hair follicles is activated, considerably reducing hair loss, improving its quality, shine and texture.

Capillary analysis of a woman's hair with a trichoscope

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En Hospital Capilar you can perform your hair diagnosis without any cost or commitment. Request information and schedule your appointment at any of our hair clinics in Murcia, Madrid or Pontevedra. Put yourself in the hands of experts!
