May 14th 2024

Hair PRP in Murcia: price and benefits for hair

In many cases, to keep your hair in good condition, it is not enough to resort to specific hair products. Especially in people who suffer from hair loss, they must resort to hair treatments such as Platelet Rich Plasma, the most widespread today. Nowadays it is possible to go to hair clinics close to home and perform hair PRP in Murcia with all the comforts. Knowing the price of PRP, how it is made and its benefits for hair is key if what you want is to treat hair loss and obtain healthy hair in the best condition.

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PRP hair treatment in Murcia

What is hair PRP?

Hair PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is a hair treatment that is performed by a specialized medical team in hair clinics. The PRP procedure is simple and is performed on an outpatient basis in consultation, lasting approximately 15 minutes, and at the end the patient returns home completely normally.

To perform Platelet Rich Plasma, a blood sample is obtained from the patient. This is subjected to a centrifugation process in which the enriched plasma is separated from the rest of the blood components. It is this plasma, which contains rich growth factors, which is subsequently injected into the scalp through subdermal injections. It is not a painful treatment, although depending on the pain threshold of each patient, more or less discomfort may be felt.

By directly applying platelet-rich plasma to the scalp, the correct functioning of the hair is stimulated. Hair follicles and hair regeneration is encouraged, thereby stopping hair loss.

Price of hair PRP in Murcia

Among the most frequent doubts when we consider performing hair PRP in Murcia is its price. The price of hair PRP in Murcia ranges between 200 euros and 300 euros per session, although it is true that hair clinics usually offer cheaper vouchers for several sessions since more than one session is usually needed to achieve visible results. The sessions and prices of these hair PRP vouchers will depend on what each hair clinic offers. In Hospital Capilar Murcia we have two PRP bonuses: one of 4 sessions for 690 euros, and another with 8 sessions for 1.100 euros; The single hair PRP session in Murcia costs 245 euros

How many PRP sessions are needed?

The number of PRP sessions that will be necessary will depend on a previous medical diagnosis. Depending on the type and degree of hair loss, and the patient's expectations, it is recommended to perform a certain number of sessions, as well as their frequency. In patients who have undergone a hair graft, PRP is highly beneficial in promoting scalp healing and nourishing the implanted hair follicles. In these cases, the PRP is applied 10 days after the intervention and the rest of the sessions are scheduled based on the patient's evolution.

Benefits of PRP on hair: Is it worth it?  

Platelet Rich Plasma is an effective treatment that offers great results in patients with incipient hair loss due to Stress o seasonal fall en forma de telogen effluvium, and, according to our specialist doctors, also in people with androgenic alopecia. Thanks to the properties of plasma injected directly into the scalp, healthy, quality hair is achieved.

Stops hair loss

The main benefit of hair PRP, as we have mentioned previously, is its powerful action against hair loss. Blood plasma has powerful regenerating active ingredients that stimulate the proper functioning of hair follicles, stopping hair loss and stimulating hair growth.

Improves hair quality

Other benefits are also achieved with the application of PRP, such as improving the quality and texture of the hair. By nourishing the hair follicles and improving the functioning of the scalp, the hair will be shinier and silkier.

Promotes tissue regeneration

PRP is a powerful tissue regenerator, making it the ideal complementary treatment to hair grafting. Its application a week after the intervention considerably improves the condition of the scalp while nourishing the new implanted hair follicles so that the new hair grows stronger.

Increased hair growth

Another great advantage of applying PRP to hair is that it encourages hair growth. By stimulating the function and nourishing the hair follicles, hair grows stronger.

Advantages of performing hair PRP in Murcia

Thanks to the opening of hair clinics in Murcia, it is now possible to perform this type of hair treatments without having to travel long distances. Therefore, one of the great advantages of performing hair PRP in Murcia is being able to perform this treatment close to home. This also allows for more precise medical monitoring by being able to go to the clinic more easily when necessary. Furthermore, in the region we have great medical professionals specialized in hair medicine with whom we can achieve great results.

Hair adviser showing the different packages of hair graft closed price to a patient

Take care of your hair in Hospital Capilar Murcia​

With hair clinics in Murcia, Madrid and Pontevedra, in Hospital Capilar You will find a qualified and experienced medical team in hair surgeries and treatments aimed at stopping hair loss. Request your medical diagnosis at no cost or obligation and put yourself in the hands of experts! 


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