Patient 10 days after his hair transplant

My grafted hair does not come out: What to do in these cases?

Baldness is a problem that affects many men and women, but today there is a solution. Hair grafting is one of the most demanded interventions today, since it allows us to have hair again in those areas where it stopped growing with very good results. But if it happens that my grafted hair does not come out, what should I do?

At blog de Hospital Capilar, a leading network of clinics in hair medicine, we give you all the information on what to do if the hair implanted does not grow after the hair transplant.

What to do if my grafted hair does not come out after a hair transplant?

After undergoing a hair implant we are impatient to see what the result is. However, we must not forget thathe capillary graft has a total duration of one year, 18 months in cases of crown, and until then we will not be able to appreciate the definitive hair that we will have after the intervention.

During the postoperative of a capillary implant, on many occasions we tend to pay attention in detail and daily how the hair grows after the graft. This growth is slow and progressive, so if we generate a certain obsession to see results, the most common thing is that we ask ourselves the famous question: Why doesn't my hair come out grafted?

It is very important respect the process times. If only a few months have passed after the hair transplant, the answer to what to do if the grafted hair does not come out is simple: wait. Therefore, we must take into account the different phases of hair growth in a hair implant. In this way we will be able to determine if we are still in the process of recovery and growth or, on the contrary, if the results have not been the desired ones, although this is not usually the case.

Can the grafted follicles not survive?

Our medical equipment ensures that the survival rate of grafted hair is very high. To guarantee this, the patient is subjected to different tests with which the medical team assesses their health with an analysis, as well as the state of the scalp with a trichoscopy analysis. If all the parameters are met, it is determined that the patient is suitable to undergo a hair graft with all the guarantees that new hair will grow.

Therefore, thinking that the grafted hair does not come out is most likely due to the fact that the follicles are still in the process of recovery and growth. However, it is advisable to consult a professional in case of doubt. 

man sitting on rock in front of sea

Hair growth phases after a hair transplant

As we have mentioned, it is important to know how and when the hair grows after a hair transplant to know the different phases that our hair will go through after the hair transplant.

During the first month after the intervention

Throughout the first month the scalp is in full healing process. This means that during the first 30 days we will not appreciate the growth of new hair, only the scabs after hair transplant.

After the month of the capillary graft

After the first month yes you can see new hair that is growing in the intervened areas. However, this new hair does not last long since we will enter what is known as shock loss phase where the hair falls out due to the trauma suffered during the hair transplant.

Six months after hair transplant

Half a year after the hair transplant we can appreciate the first results of what will be our new hair. But we must not forget that they are not the definitive ones, there is still half of the recovery process left.

The hair that grows in this phase is somewhat thin, although it will gain body until it reaches the same thickness as the donor area.

One year after hair transplant

It is a year after the capillary implant when the definitive results. However, in cases where follicles are implanted in the crown area, it can be delayed up to 18 months.

patient area of Hospital Capilar Madrid

Hospital Capilar, experts in FUE hair transplant

Do you have doubts about hair grafting? In Hospital Capilar We are professionals in hair medicine and we help people with some type of alopecia to overcome baldness on a daily basis. Ask us for information and ask for your first diagnosis completely free. We will be happy to assist you!



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