It is estimated that approximately 60% of the population have a scar, usually caused by surgery or trauma. When these scars occur on the scalp, the hair follicles are damaged, preventing hair from growing back. On many occasions this tends to cause insecurity and aesthetic complexes in the person but, Is it possible to hide the scars in any way? Can a capillary graft be carried out on scars?
From Hospital Capilar, an expert clinic in hair grafting in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you everything you need to know about hair grafting in scars. It's possible? Are good results achieved?
In general, capillary grafting in scars is viable to cover the bald spot generated by said scar. However, not in all cases the expected results are achieved since the skin is different.
When a scar forms, it gives rise to what is known as scar tissue. The dermis is altered and becomes harder and less elastic. This requires that the medical diagnosis be much more thorough than in a routine hair implant, since the doctor must evaluate the state of the scar, especially in terms of vascularization.
On the other hand, we do not find only one type of scar, but they can appear for various reasons. Depending on the scar in question, the chances of obtaining a good aesthetic result vary, and this is indicated by the medical team of Hospital Capilar.
In cases where the scar is due to a burn, it is more complicated for the transplanted follicles to grasp and not fall, although it is not impossible. Keep in mind that the skin after being burned is excessively damaged, so the chances of survival are lower. Even so, again, the hair surgeon will evaluate the scar and determine how to proceed, as well as the feasibility of the intervention.
Surgical or trauma scars are not usually a major inconvenience when performing a hair transplant. If the healing process of the same has finished and the vascularization of the skin is adequate, the hair graft with FUE technique It is a good option to cover scars.
Several types of alopecia among which are the scars. These scarring alopecia, as its name suggests, generate scar tissue causing the appearance of bald spots on the affected skin. In these cases, before evaluating the possibility of performing a hair implant, it is essential to resort to other types of treatments to stabilize the alopecia. Otherwise, the implanted hair may come out in the intervened area but it will fall again if the disease in question has not been treated.
The key, as we have mentioned before, to know if we can perform a hair graft on scars is to go to a hair clinic where you will receive a diagnosis from a specialist doctor. If the surgeon gives the go-ahead and the intervention will meet the patient's expectations, the patient could opt for capillary grafting in scars to cover them.
El hair implant process it would be the same. In Hospital Capilar We carry out this type of intervention with the FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction). It is a method that leaves no visible scars and we get the most natural results.
On the day of surgery, the first thing that is carried out is the design of the receiving areas and donor. The surgeon in charge is the one who executes it taking into account the criteria and tastes of the patient, as well as the physiognomy of the same. Once the areas to be covered and the extraction area have been defined, the patient goes to the operating room.
Hair transplant does not require general anesthesia. Only local anesthesia is used, so that at the end of the surgery you will be able to return home normally. That yes, in Hospital Capilar we do not recommend driving after hair transplant.
This phase of the intervention is the only one that causes some pain and, for this reason, in our hair clinics in Spain we offer our patients the pre-anesthesia with which we managed to considerably reduce the pain of the anesthesia itself.
When the area is asleep, the medical team proceeds to extract the follicular units necessary to cover the area to be treated. This is carried out individually with a micromotor punch. minimizing the possibility of damaging neighboring follicles.
The surgeon proceeds to make the incisions with a sapphire scalpel in the receiving area. This supposes an exercise of precision on the part of the professional, who will take into account certain aspects such as the angulation, the direction of the hair and the design, among others.
The last step with which we conclude the FUE hair implant is the implantation of the previously extracted follicular units. From this moment, the patient returns home and begins the hair graft postoperative.
Interested in a hair implant? In Hospital Capilar we can help you. We are experts in hair grafting in Spain, with a hair clinic in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra. Request your diagnosis with our medical team at no cost and take the step to change.
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