Phase of incisions in a hair graft in women
February 6th 2025

Forehead hair transplant in women: Is it possible to reduce the forehead?

Hair transplantation is presented as the definitive method to recover hair that has fallen, causing baldness. However, more and more people go to hair clinics asking about hair grafting on the forehead in women with the aim of reducing the forehead by lowering the hairline. But is this feasible? Is it a technique that gives good results?

En Hospital Capilar, hair transplant clinic in Madrid, Murcia and Pontevedra, we tell you to what extent the forehead can be reduced with hair grafting on the forehead in women, the procedure and the results offered by this technique.

Can the forehead be reduced in women with a hair transplant?

La female alopecia It can manifest itself in different ways depending on the ttype of alopecia in question, being able to affect the frontal area to a greater extent, causing a lack of density in the first line. Even many women are born with the frontal line slightly more backward than usual without having to suffer any type of alopecia. It is in both cases when the need to reduce the forehead arises for aesthetic reasons and the patient's preferences.

Yes, a hair graft on the forehead is viable in women, although several factors must be taken into account depending on the doctors from Hospital Capilar. First of all is that hair cannot be implanted in the frontal muscle. In other words, the frontal line cannot be lowered without limit, but it is the patient's own frontal muscle that sets the limit and establishes how far the forehead can be reduced. For this reason it is important to go to a hair clinic where specialist doctors determine how much and how far the front line can be lowered in each case.

On the other hand, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the donor zone of the patient. Normally in cases of hair grafting on the forehead in women there is usually no problem with this, since in most cases the area to be treated is only the front part and the rest of the hair is not affected by alopecia. In any case, it is the medical team who must evaluate the donor area, in addition to the general state of health, to determine the feasibility of the intervention.

Process of a hair transplant on the forehead in women

The hair transplant procedure on the forehead in women lasts approximately 5 to 6 hours, depending on the number of follicles that need to be implanted. It is a minimally invasive surgical intervention that consists of several phases.

Previous medical diagnosis

As we have previously commented, hair grafting on the forehead in women begins with a capillary study previous. In this analysis, the medical team studies the feasibility of hair transplantation based on the physiognomy, quality of the donor hair, health and expectations of the patient, among others.

Once the medical team sees the hair graft to reduce the forehead viable, the preoperative in which the patient must comply with a series of medical indications to avoid complications during surgery.

front line design

On the day of the intervention, the surgeon in charge performs the front line design. Mark the limits where hair is going to be implanted based on the physiognomy of the patient and his tastes and preferences. To do this, locate the frontalis muscle by having the patient raise her eyebrows slightly upwards. That is the limit to where specialists can reduce the forehead.

Shaving the donor area

Normally with the hair transplant on the forehead in women it is not necessary to shave the head completely. It is only necessary to shave a small area in the donor area to extract the necessary follicles. Shaving goes unnoticed with the patient's own hair length.

anesthesia application

The hair transplant on the forehead in women is not painful, since it uses Anesthesia local. However, it is the application of anesthesia that usually causes discomfort. For this reason, in Hospital Capilar we have the pre-anesthesia with which we managed to reduce the pain.

It is not necessary to use general anesthesia, so the patient remains awake and conscious at all times.

Follicle Extraction

Once the area is anesthetized, the team proceeds to perform the follicular unit extraction Dear friends. To do this, they use a punch with a micromotor to extract the necessary follicles one by one without leaving any obvious scars.

Front line incisions

Once the follicles have been extracted, the surgeon makes the incisions in the frontal line with a sapphire scalpel. It does so by following the natural direction of the hair, as well as the angle of inclination among others.

follicle implantation

The health team completes the hair graft with the implantation of the hair follicles in the previously opened cavities. At this time the patient can return to her home with relative normality and the treatment begins. postoperative in which you must comply with all the corresponding medical indications.

Results of a hair transplant on the forehead in women

Hair grafting on the forehead in women gives very good results, since it it is possible to generate that effect of reduction of the frontal part of the face. In addition, the results are natural as the patient's own hair is used to reduce the size of the forehead.

Definitively, the results are given after the first year after surgery. However, at 6 months you can already see the first changes.

Hair mesotherapy performed on a woman in Hospital Capilar

Your hair transplant at the hands of professionals

En Hospital Capilar We have a team with extensive experience in hair grafting with which you will obtain results that meet your expectations. Request your free medical diagnosis without obligation!



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